For Sunday July 27, 2014
Year A, Seventh Sunday After Pentecost :: Green
:: 1 Kings 3:5-12 :: Psalm 119:129-136 :: Romans 8:26-39 :: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Call to Worship (Responsive)
Adapted from Psalm 139
L: O LORD, your decrees are wonderful;
P: Therefore our souls keep your decrees.
L: Turn to us and be gracious to us,
P: As is your custom toward those who love your name.
L: Keep our steps steady according to your promise,
P: Never let iniquity have dominion over us.
L: Make your face shine upon all of us, your servants,
P: And teach us the way of the LORD.
Grant us wisdom and courage O God, as we enter in to your holy sanctuary. Order our steps and guide us in your way. Be with us as we seek to draw nearer to you, O God, and make us your people. You have called us and we have come together in your name. Help us to use this time together well, O God, to glorify your name and be filled with your holy spirit. For we ask it in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Stewardship Moment:
Several years ago then Pope Benedict was quoted as saying “I have a mustard seed, and I’m not afraid to use it.” In full context he was talking about the amount of faith needed to evangelize the world. In our context today, though, it really could apply to anything. Is there a mission we have been dreaming of? Let’s use a mustard seed of faith on it. Is there a group of people we have been wanting to reach for Christ? Throw a mustard seed at it. Is there a project we have been wanting to fund? Mustard seed. I’m sure at times each of our gifts feels small and insignificant, but given with faith size of a mustard seed, great things will happen. Let us sow our mustard seeds together as we bring our tithes and offerings before the Lord.
Offertory Prayer:
Great and Wonderful God, we come before with our gifts and our faith, both the size of mustard seeds when compared to the vastness of your wealth and power. We ask that you bless these gifts and use them for goodness which will grow to the greatest of trees. Use these gifts for your glory we pray.
Communion Meditation:
We have been called to this table as members of God’s great family. God has made us holy enough to partake of Christ’s holy feast, by giving Jesus Christ, the Son. And nothing can separate us from that love. Come, eat, drink, and remember the gift that God has given for you.
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