November 29, 2015
First Sunday of Advent, Year C :: Violet ::
Jeremiah 33:14-16 :: Psalm 25:1-10 :: I Thessalonians 3:9-13 :: Luke 21:25-36
Call to Worship (Responsive)
Adapted from Psalm 25
L: Make us to know your ways, O LORD,
P: Teach us your paths.
L: Lead us in your truth, O God;
P: For you are the God of our salvation.
L: Good and upright is the LORD,
P: God leads the humble in what is right.
L: All the paths of the LORD are steadfast love and faithfulness,
P: For those who keep God’s covenants.
O God of all the prophets, you herald the coming of the Christ by wondrous signs in the heavens and on the earth. As we long for justice and righteousness, grant us an ever growing awareness of your presence. Guard our hearts from despair so that we may be found ready to greet your coming on the day of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Stewardship Moment:
Advent is a season of waiting for the Lord to come. Not only do we anticipate the Baby in the Manger, but also the return of our Lord, coming in the clouds. As we await that arrival, when the faithful will be gathered from the four winds, we have been called to work to usher in the reign of God. One of the ways we try to do so is through offering experiences which give a taste of heaven. It might be a church camp, a moment of joy in vacation Bible School, a retreat, or even a really poignant sermon. However and wherever people experience a glimpse of heaven, we know there is need for more of those experiences. We will now bring the tithes and offerings which make glimpse of heaven ministries possible.
Offertory Prayer:
God of hope, we come today bringing our gifts, and dedicating them to your service. Bless these gifts and use them to serve the needs of the many who need to know your presence. We bring them with joy in our hearts, and songs of hope and praise on our lips. Amen.
Communion Meditation:
The message of advent is not just a journey to a manger, but also a journey to prepare for Christ’s return. In Luke Jesus warns us of this coming, and the need to stay ready and alert. How are we to do so? One way is to faithfully gather with our Lord and Savior, at His table. Here we confess our sins, accept the gifts of remembrance, and are made one with God. As we prepare for Christ’s coming, come and receive the meal of redemption and hope.
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