First Fruits – a Stewardship Guide for Church Leaders
Rev. David Dubovich
First Fruits is an insightful book that can be utilized by both clergy and laity alike. Local pastors, who generally find stewardship a topic to be avoided, will find help within its pages to find their voice on this critical subject.
Each chapter (called “Discovery Areas”) focuses on topics that pastors will find useful so as to make the proclamation about stewardship a less daunting task. Each “Discovery Area” ends with a list of discussion questions, making this book ideal for use as a small group or Sunday school class study. This is a clear benefit to this resource.
Robert Heerspink includes a broad spectrum of biblical and theological thought and the importance of the practice of stewardship by people of faith. Of critical significance is one “Discovery Area” dedicated to encouraging young people (children and youth) within our congregations to participate in the art of faithful stewardship. It is clearly stated that “the time has come for us to teach the youth not only about the importance of stewardship but the discipline and joy of stewardship”. Concrete examples are given.
This particular resource is likely to be of help to many ministers as they look for ways to interface with their stewardship ministry teams/committees, as well as their congregational governing boards. First Fruits is a “must read” for lay persons and clergy seeking clarity for direction in the practice of stewardship. I will certainly be using it my congregation.