The new Giving Annual Stewardship Emphasis resource produced by the Ecumenical Stewardship Center is now available. This year, the theme is “Abundant Joy, Overflowing Generosity”. Your congregation can get a free copy by contacting the Center for Faith and Giving. The resource includes an annual stewardship campaign and articles that can help your church interpret its mission so as to inspire a culture of generosity.
The copy is provided free to any congregation, pastor, or stewardship leader by request. The Center for Faith and Giving, in return, would request that you consider a $10 donation to offset the cost of the magazine and the postage and handling. Details on how you can contribute a donation and support the work of the Center for Faith and Giving, will be contained in your mailing. Donations are not required to receive the material, but they are appreciated!
The Center for Faith and Giving strongly recommends that you consider ordering the Companion Resources and the Theme Materials to help you achieve success with your annual campaign, should you use the campaign outlined in the Giving resource. Those materials are available at
To order your free copy of Giving, Click here Be sure to include the name of your congregation and your current USPS address.