News from the Center:
The Center for Faith and Giving is pleased to announce that video presentations from the Symposium on Preaching Stewardship as Good News are now available for public viewing. This event featured Dr. James Forbes and was held at Christian Theological Seminary in June of 2012. Dr. Forbes’ appearance was made possible by a gift from the Christian Church Foundation, in honor of Dr. Donald Sarton on the occasion of Dr. Sarton’s retirement. The videos are in high definition.
Under the Sermons/Resources section, you will find the following:
Sermons: watch
Dr. James Forbes “Balaam’s Dilemma”
Sermons – Resources:
Dr. Ron Allen “The Lectionary and Stewardhip – Year B”. Dr. Allen examins the opportunities for preaching about stewardship in the Fall of 2012
Dr. Lance Pape “Jesus and Money”. Dr. Pape explores Jesus and his relationsihp with money in the Gospels.
Panel Discussion “Why is Preaching about Stewardship Difficult?” Panel members include: Dr. James Forbes, Dr. Lance Pape, Dr. Carol Johnston, Dr. Ron Allen and Rev. Marilyn Fiddmont – Rev. Bruce A. Barkhauer, Convener.
Under the Resources section, you will find:
General Resources:
Creating and Environment for Hearing Stewardship as Good News – Rev. Bruce A. Barkhauer