These links connect you with material presented by Reverend Barkhauer or other leaders in workshops and events sponsored by the Center for Faith and Giving. Please remember that this material is the property of the Center for Faith and Giving and should not be reproduced or published by electronic or other means without the expressed written consent of the Director of the Center for Faith and Giving. Quoted material should be attributed to the author and to the Center for Faith and Giving.
Basic Stewardship Workshop – Covers Bible Passages, Basic Theology, and a few general Best Practices
Best Practices – includes detailed information about the techniques utilized by successful congregations with regard to policy and the regular practice of resourcing mission. There are 36 questions congregations should be able to answer about money. Those questions are included with this material.
Household Budget Form – Used in the “Living Within Your Means for Meaningful Living” workshop
Georgia Men’s Retreat, Christmount, NC (2012) – Living an Abundant Life
Black Minister’s Retreat, Kansas City, MO (2012) – Creating a Culture of Generosity
2012 Alabama Regional Assembly — Creating a Culture of Generosity
22nd Biennial Session of the National Convocation – Workshop
Upper Midwest Leadership Event (West Des Moines, IA) 2012 – Workshop Notes
Lufkin, TX Workshop 2012 Workshop Notes
Oklahoma Foundation Event (September 2012) – Event PowerPoint
Illinois/Wisconsin Regional Assembly 2012
Ohio Regional Assembly 2012 – workshop
Pacific Southwest Regional Assembly 2012 – Workshop