Stewardship Learning Track Tuesday Panels
Speaking of Sabbath (A deeper reflection based on Monday’s “The Commandment Everybody Breaks”)
Participants include: Rev. Dr. Charisse Gillett and Rev. Dr. Don Gillett (Please note the change from Tom Jewell and Linda Parker)
To watch a brief video: click here
Sabbath is an incredibly important biblical principal often ignored by clergy at their own peril. Congregation unintentionally conspire to make even a simple day off impractical or even impossible. For pastors who understand and practice Sabbath, they want their members to benefit from its blessings — but it is hard to convince people in our non-stop, “never out of cell phone range” culture to stop and take a breath. Reverend Doctor Charisse Gillett and Reverent Doctor Donald Gillett will be speaking to laity for clergy to “overhear” and to clergy for laity to “overhear. Together, with mutual accountability, we can make room for rest and renewal a space for the Holy to enter in.
Money Talks – What language Are You Speaking (A further discussion of Monday’s “From Maintenance to Mission – The Budget As A Moral Document”)
Participants include: Rev. Erin Wathen and Sam Colson.
To watch a brief video: click here
This panel will address “maintenance budgeting” and “mission based budgeting” and how the latter can make clear the relationship between mission and money – concepts that should never be separated when speaking about church finances. Mission based budgeting (also called a “narrative budget”) communicating facts about financing as a form of stewardship education and it is a best practice of financially viable congregations. Narrative style budgets take the focus off of the “personnel” and “property” line items and connect the church’s vision to its gathering of the resources that make mission happen.
Do You Hear What I Hear? (A deeper exploration/experience of Monday’s “Preaching the Stewardship Gospel Every Day of the Year”)
Participants include: Rev. Dr. Lance Pape, Rev. Amanda Henderson, Rev. Dr. Lataunya Bynum, and Rev. Dr. Bryan Feille
To watch a brief video: click here
This conversation is intended for ministers who are engaged in the discipline of preaching who want to address the topic of stewardship in helpful and creative ways. Discover new and surprising interpretation of the texts you never would have imagined as an entry point for preaching about stewardship. Three sermons will be delivered and you will be inspired!
It Is Easy Being Green! (A continuation of Monday’s “And God Said It Was Good!”)
Participants: Rev. Jamie Brame, Rev. Kim Cowherd, Annette Hayden, Rev. Doug Job
Watch a brief video: click here
Lead by Rev. Carol Devine, you can talk to pastors and lay people who have implemented green practices in their congregations and institutions. Hear about real resources that work for greening your ministry and your life. Green solutions touch your whole life as a congregation from how you landscape the church property to how you sere food at a potluck supper. It is about much more than storm windows and programmable thermostats!. Real people, real situations, real solutions!
Learning By Doing (A continuation of Monday’s “Counting to Ten – Teaching Stewardship to Children”)
Participants: Rev. Dr. Abigail Conley, Dr. Diane Bales, Rev. Bob Bock
To watch a brief video: click here
Experience stewardship education for teens and children as you discover the resources available for teaching this spiritual discipline in your congregation. The panelists will teach participants from the resources they are sharing and personally developing. You will leave knowing how to talk about stewardship with “the next generation” when you leave this group! Come ready to learn and leave ready to share.
Finishing Well (A continuation from Monday’s discussion “Finishing Well” with a focus on the practical)
Participants: Rev. Kirby Gould, Rev. Jerry Lang
Watch a brief video: click here
Inspired by stories of generosity and the success of helping people leave gifts that matter to the mission and ministry of the church, learn the practical and “nuts and bolts” of how to create an environment where legacy gifts are not only welcome, but anticipated. What are the policies that help to make estate gifts the norm, rather than the exception. What can we learn from congregations that have been successful in helping their members leave a lasting legacy. Take what you know and make it a reality in the places where you do ministry and serve in the Name of Christ.
Best Employment Practices for Local Congregations
Participants: James Hamlet, Saundra Michael-Bowers, Deborah Wray
Watch a brief video: click here
This panel will help clergy and lay leaders identify best employment practices for congregations as well as explore fair compensation and benefits for all church employees. Sponsored by The Pension Fund.