The Ecumenical Stewardship Center, Indianapolis, IN – The Ecumenical Stewardship Center provides publications on the subject of stewardship and offers annual learning and resource events. It is a collaborative ministry with 22 “Mainline” communions, including the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
The Handbook for Treasurers The purpose of this handbook is to help make the financial leaders’ tasks easier by providing specific, practical guidelines for the people who handle the church’s money. It is a useful resource for the pastor, the stewardship committee, the personnel committee, ministerial search committee or anyone in the congregation who, for whatever reason, is involved in the financial or employee-related life of the congregation.The authors represent Church Extension, the Pension Fund, Christian Church Foundation and OGMP Treasury Services. The information presented here is based on their experiences with church treasurers and other financial leaders across the years.
The Lewis Center for Church Leadership Washington, DC – The Lewis Center for Church Leadership “seeks to advance the understanding of Christian leadership and promote the effective and faithful practice of Christian leadership in the church and the world.” To fulfill this mission, the Lewis Center offers programs and resources for both beginning and seasoned ministers. And although its work is targeted primarily at United Methodists, it benefits other denominations. The Center for Faith and Giving recommends the bi-monthly electronic publication “Leading Ideas“.
The Indianapolis Center for Congregations Indianapolis, IN – helps Indianapolis-area congregations address specific needs through resource consulting, educational events, one-on-one meetings and publications. We work with clergy, staff and laity by listening to their concerns, developing work plans, and then carefully matching resources with their specific needs. To reach beyond the borders of central Indiana, the Center has opened regional offices in Fort Wayne, Evansville, Seymour and Crown Point, Indiana. Here are some of the many tools we provide to congregations: Resource Guides, listing the best resources available on various topics, available in printed form or online; Educational events and workshops; Centerpiece, a quarterly newsletter.
The United Church of Christ, Cleveland, OH – this link will take you to the stewardship section of the United Church of Christ website. It is deep with additional ideas and resources that will help you and your congregation think about and practice faithful stewardship. The United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are partners in mission and ministry.
The Jubilee Fund, Madison, Wisconsin – The Jubilee Fund exists to educate and empower Pastors and their Households to:Lead debt-free, generous lives of great stewardship; Teach others the joy of generous, responsible living; Create a culture of seeing and believing God’s abundance and ability to transform the world; Respond to the call of God in discerning ministry opportunities instead of making a financial decision.
A Stewardship Bibliography This will connect you with a list of the most significant books on the topic of stewardship written in the last 30 years. There is a range here that includes theological and biblical scholarship through the “how to do it yourself” approach on raising awareness of this spiritual discipline. The list was originally compiled by the Reverend Doctor Jim Johnson and has been updated by the Center for Faith and Giving. Visit the In Review section of this website to read the comments of congregational ministers who are reading and offering reflections on recent publications.
The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University – you can participate in continuing education, earn a certificate, or a graduate degree in philanthropy. Courses are offered year round from this school whose mission is dedicated to the advancement of ethical fundraising.
Dean Phelps Music Dean graciously provided the instrumental music track to our website welcome video. Dean is an ordained Disciple Minister and serves the church through his position as a member of the Indiana Regional staff. He also is a recognized musician and entertainer who “takes his show on the road”. To learn more, visit his site.