January 1, 2017

Year A, First Sunday after Christmas Day

First Sunday of Christmas :: White :: 

Isaiah 63:7-9 :: Psalm 148 ::Hebrews 2:10-18 :: Matthew 2:13-23

Call to Worship (Responsive)    

Adapted from Psalm 148

L: Praise the LORD!

P: Praise the LORD from the heavens, 

L: Praise the LORD, all you Heavenly Host;

P: Praise the LORD from all the earth.

L: Praise the LORD , whose glory is above heaven and earth;

P: Praise the LORD!


We have come O God, to hear the story of your gracious deeds; to tell of your praiseworthy acts; to bask in the abundance of your steadfast love.  Draw us near unto you, O God, and receive our prayers and praise.  Lead us in your Spirit, as we celebrate Chris

Stewardship Moment:

It’s your first chance!  Today is the first Sunday to make an offering for 2017.  With all of the End of Year Closeouts and specials and sales being advertised, I just wanted to join in on the hype up the change of the calendar crowd. Plus, giving is a great way to start the new year. The reality is, any time is a great time to make a gift to God.  When you do, you change lives.  After all, that is why we give, to transform lives.  Let us now receive the tithes and offerings which support the ministries of this church, which indeed, change lives.

Offertory Prayer: 

We bring our gifts before you O God, seeking the transformation only you can bring.  Take these gifts, and transform them to the kind of ministries which will touch and change lives from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.  We offer them in the name, and by the grace, of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Communion Meditation: 

Hebrews 2:11 explains why Jesus, the one who sanctifies us, is also not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters.  How marvelously miraculous is it that Lord of the Universe calls you His own, and invites you to dine at His table?  We celebrate this feast of remembrance in honor of the one who brings us salvation, and who calls us sister and brother: Jesus Christ our Lord.

All material copyright 2016 The Jubilee Fund, Inc., and appear on this site via a partnership agreement with the Center for Faith and Giving.  Permission granted to reproduce and use any of the above for Churches and Congregations to the glory of God without requirement of compensation or notification.

Scripture Quotations from the New Revised Standard Version. Online Scripture links a service of the Jean and Alexander Heard Divinity Library, of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
