July 8, 2018, Pentecost 7
2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; Psalm 48
2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13
Call to Worship (from Psalm 48)
One: Gathered here, we rejoice in God’s faithful love.
Many: God’s fame reaches from one end of the earth to the other.
One: People praise God from one end of the earth to the other.
Many: We worship the One who uses power to do what is right.
One: And we lift up the One, who judges fairly.
Many: Let us praise God, our forever guide.
Opening Prayer
Guiding God, we’ve gathered today to praise you, to hear Good News of Jesus, and to be inspired to follow in Jesus’ Way of life. Thank you for your presence in this place and for your guidance for us on our way. Draw us near to you in this hour, that we might be strengthened for the week to come. AMEN
Stewardship Moment
Drag in the biggest suitcase you can find, filled with stuff someone might be given if s/he were travelling (a winter coat, boots, a toaster, a coffee maker…). Open it up and describe a few things,
then ask,
“if we’re going out from this place as Jesus’ followers, what’s the best wecan give to equip one another?”
Jesus’ disciples were sent out without bread or money, and not even a spare cloak! Today, we share all those things to help provide for one another and for the ministries we offer in Jesus’ name. Your offering today may take the form of check or cash, it may be (use examples from your own setting, like “food for the food pantry or clothes for our clothing closet”.)
Today, as you share what you have, know our gifts help make it possible to provide hospitality for people in need, and healing for those who are hurting. Give! Our gifts allow us to be and to share the Good News of Christ in our community and to the ends of the earth.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of all good gifts, thank you for this opportunity to share from the abundance you have given us. Equip this congregation and equip each of us, that as you send us out with authority, we might witness willingly to your Love and Life. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
The scripture we heard from Mark 6 reminds us: Jesus is the one who called the twelve, sent them out, and gave them authority.
As disciples (and some of us as “capital D” Disciples) in the 21stcentury, Jesus also equips us. We are not sent out without bread! Instead, called to faith by the Spirit, baptized into the name of Jesus, we come to this table to break bread and be nourished for the ministries which have been given to us.
But it isn’t enough to be gathered and fed. Jesus both calls us in AND sends us out. Where is it you will go today? Where will you bear witness to God’s love this week?
In these gifts of bread and cup, find strength and energy to be on your faith journey!
(Consider “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ”, CH #422 as your communion hymn.)