May 5, 2019
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Easter 3
Call to Worship (adapted from Revelation 5)
One: Gathered to sing praise to God, we lift our voices!
Choir: (singing) “Blessing and honor and glory and power,
wisdom and riches and strength evermore” (Bonar, not in CH)
One: Every creature joins to make a joyful noise:
to the one on the throne and to the Lamb,
Choir and congregation: (singing or speaking)
“Give we the glory and praise to the Lamb!”
One: Angels, living creatures and elders, let us honor the Living God!
Many: Amen, and amen!
Opening Prayer
In this Easter season, Holy God, we celebrate with joy the resurrection life to which you call us in Jesus, the Christ. As we worship you today, and in the days of our lives away from this gathered community, open us to the call of Jesus: “Follow me”. With the words of our mouths, the thoughts of our hearts and the actions of our bodies, let us find ready ways to show our love, which you have shown us most clearly in the life, death, and lifting-up- to-eternal-life of our Lord.
Moment for Stewardship
In the last chapter of John’s Gospel, the resurrected Jesus appears to Simon Peter and the other disciples. Poignantly, Jesus speaks directly to the one who denied even knowing Jesus on the night when Jesus was arrested. Three times, Jesus asks “do you love me?”
Three times, Peter responds, “Yes!”.
And each time, Jesus replies with a command. The last one echoes down through the years: “feed my sheep”.
Today, we’re invited to act out our love of Jesus Christ with financial gifts that may be translated into a variety of ways to “feed my sheep”. Our support definitely keeps the doors open and the lights on, but it also provides __________ (name two or three pieces of your ministry which are supported by the offering of treasure, time and talent).
Let us receive our morning tithes and offerings, symbols of our identity as followers/disciples of Jesus the Christ.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Generous God,
We ask you to accept these offerings as symbols of our very lives. In the coming days, dwell in us as this financial support is used to show forth your love to a world of hunger and need. Inspire us to generosity, and fill us with gratitude, so we might truly feed Jesus’ sheep. AMEN
Invitation to Communion (John 21:9-13)
Often when we come to this table, we recall Jesus and his disciples in an upper room. We’ve told the story of that night, walked with the disciples in the Garden, shared in the pain of Jesus’ crucifixion and the joy of Resurrection morn!
Today, however, we hear the simple telling of Jesus appearing to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. Jesus once again offers food to the disciples. In this last chapter of John’s Gospel, the disciples come to the beach after a long night of fishing. Delighted with the surprising number of fish caught, we can imagine their joy seeing Jesus preparing a feast of fresh fish and bread. Communion! “Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish.”
As we share these gifts of bread and cup this morning, imagine what Jesus might offer us if he were appearing at this table! With open hearts, anticipate the feast he would provide for we who seek to follow him.
(consider putting Goldfish crackers on the communion trays this Sunday, in addition to your normal bread).