June 30, 2019

June 30, 2019

Proper 8

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14

 Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20

Galatians 5:1,13-25

Luke 9:51-62

Call to Worship 

One:  We freely gather to worship the Lord our God.
For freedom Christ has set us free!
Love fully expresses what Christ has given us.
So, in love, we live freely, animated, motivated by God’s Spirit! 
Let’s come together to share the fruit of the Spirit.
In freedom, living by the Spirit, let us pray:

Opening Prayer
By your Spirit, God, we stand before you. We’re eager to live in that Spirit, and share the fruit: love, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Pour those gifts into us as we worship.  Let them flow from us this week as we seek to love you and love one another.

Moment for Stewardship 

It’s one thing to memorize and recite “the Great Commandment”.  It’s something more challenging to live it out.  One positive reality about connecting to a congregation is the way we’re able to help one another love God and love neighbor.

Paul put it in graphic language:  “do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”
Instead, we’re guided by the Spirit, and can share the fruit with our neighbors.

One way of living out our freedom is to open our hands and share what we have with our neighbors. Each week we receive our offering, and put these gifts to work.

Every time we’re able to feed those who are hungry, provide clean water for those who have been without, clothe individuals who are in need – we are living out our stewardship as followers of Jesus.  Whenever we provide safe sanctuary for victims of abuse, welcome for those who are ignored or a listening ear for those who feel abandoned – we are living out our stewardship.

Today is a great day to offer our best.  Let us receive our morning tithes and gifts.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Giving God, you model for us the good life.  Thank you for helping us respond today with gracious spirits and generous gifts. Encourage us to choose well the way we offer our best to you and to your church.
Receive our gifts as symbols of our lives, freely shared.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion 

Middle Eastern culture encourages people to share a meal as a way of promoting peace.  I’ve been told once we break bread with one another, it’s forbidden to strike or destroy that person.

What difference would it make in your life, and in the life of this congregation, if we took seriously this understanding?  How would it make a difference for you, and for me, if we were to whole-heartedly commit to becoming loving neighbors with each one who shares this bread and this cup?

Just for today, let’s give it a try.  Come to this Table, then step out of your comfort zone to act out the commandment “love your neighbor as yourself”.