July 21, 2019
Proper 11
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Call to Worship (from Psalm 52)
One: Together, let us praise God!
Many: Joined with one another, we turn to God in trust,
One: for God’s steadfast love surrounds us.
Many: Taking refuge in God, we offer our thanks.
One: Holy, Righteous, Uprooter of Evil, Steadfast Love;
Many: As we worship and as we speak, we proclaim God’s good name!
Opening Prayer
This morning, we do call out your name, God of judgment and God of grace.
Hear our cry! Help us turn to you in this hour, that we may see and know to trust not in abundant riches or wealth, but to trust in your steadfast love.
Morning to morning, new mercies we see! Open our eyes to your presence among us, and fill us with thanksgiving for all you have done. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (from Luke 10:38-42)
The familiar story of Jesus’ visit to Martha and Mary opens the door today to considering what is the better part we, ourselves, bring to offer Jesus.
Martha, identified as the home-owner, welcomed Jesus into her home. We imagine her clearing a space for company, cooking, setting the table. She was “distracted by her many tasks”.
Mary, sister of Martha, sat at Jesus’ feet to listen.
What the scripture doesn’t say out loud is that sitting at the feet of their teacher is the expected action of a disciple.
While hospitality and providing food is necessary (both then and now), when Martha asked Jesus to send Mary to the kitchen, Jesus clarified: “Mary has chosen the better part.”
Where do you find yourself in this story? What is “the better part” for you to offer today? Let’s take a moment to focus and set aside our many tasks, to claim our prime identity as disciples.
Take a breath!
Discipleship dare not be so distracted that we miss “the better part”!
With our giving and with our living, let us demonstrate our identity as disciples.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Loving God, you have given us life and called us to new life as disciples of Jesus the Christ. In gratitude and thanksgiving, we offer back to you our lives, symbolized in these gifts of coin and check. Help us continue to offer “the better part” not only today but each day of our lives. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Can you remember a time when you have invited someone into your home for a meal?
For some of us, that may have been last night. Others might struggle to remember the last time we had dinner guests.
But here’s a memory quiz: at THIS meal, who is the one inviting, the host? And who is the guest?
We could consider our hosts to be the folks who prepared our bread and cup. Some might suggest the congregation is host and all who are present are the invited guests.
But over the centuries, Christians have come to this table recognizing Jesus is the host. This is the table of the Lord, and it is Jesus who bids us dine.
Come, for the feast is prepared, and you are welcome here!
(you could use “We Come as Guest Invited”, CH 386, or Andra Moran’s “Come to the Table Again” from Chalice Praise #13)