July 28, 2019

July 28, 2019

Proper 12

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Hosea 1:2-10 

Psalm 85 

Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19)

Luke 11:1-13


Call to Worship (from Psalm 85)
One: We come together, grateful that God forgives our sin.
We’re here, eager for God to revive us.
We pray God will revive us, so we may rejoice in the Lord our God.
Praise God!  We know the steadfast love
of the One who grants salvation
Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet
and God will give what is good!

(Consider using “Revive Us Again” for an opening hymn.  Not in Chalice Hymnal, but YouTube has this version:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9Rd_AZTxXY)

Opening Prayer 

God of our salvation,
As we come before you today, we’re aware of your desire to make a path for us.  You yearn to speak peace to us and to the world you have created.  In our worship, we claim your promise to forgive us and draw us back to you.  So speak your steadfast love to us once more, that your glory may dwell in us and in our land.  Thank you for this time to turn our hearts to you, AMEN

Moment for Stewardship  (from Luke 11:5-13)

Often in worship, we come to this time ahead of collecting our offering and invite each one to consider what you have to give.

In Luke 11, Jesus talks to his disciples about one who is asked by his/her child for food.  Not one of us would respond to that request by giving our child something harmful.

So if we, “who are evil” (in the translation of verse 13), know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will God provide for us as we seek, knock and ask?

(if you know the scripture chorus “Seek and Ye Shall Find”, it would fit here!)

In Jesus’ teaching, there is no lack – there is abundance!  All who seek will find, all who ask and it will be given.

So in this moment, we ask:  what will you give in faithful response to the abundance of all God is already providing for you?

The gifts we give are only a tiny portion of what God gives, but they are our way of responding to the needs all around us.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Ever-giving God, we bring these gifts as our response to what you’ve first given to us.  Now accept this offering, and use it to extend your Realm.  Use us, as well, as signs and signals of the abundance you provide for all your beloved children.
Provide for us not only generous hearts, but grateful spirits, AMEN

Invitation to Communion 

When the disciples asked Jesus, “teach us to pray”, one central phrase of that prayer was “give us this day our daily bread”. In Jesus’ day ordinary people did not have a pantry, refrigerator and freezer full of food.  “Daily bread” was just that:  the bread you had earned that day.

What a gift it is for us to gather every Sunday, with bread provided for us.  Even in the midst of abundant food, this bread stands out, for it is the bread of remembrance, and a feast for our souls.

Come, now, to share in this communion bread – sufficient for our needs for this day.  Find here a connection to the Christ we seek to follow, and the One who teaches us to pray and to remember.