September 22, 2019
Proper 20
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Call to Worship
One: With steadfast hearts and true desire,
Many: we come to find strength to be faithful stewards.
One: In sure and certain hope of being found faithful,
Many: we choose this day to serve God.
One: By being honest with ourselves and before God,
Many: we come to claim our identity as worthy servants,
standing to offer our prayer to the One we worship.
Opening Prayer
two and more,
competing for our money, clamoring for our time
creating chaos in our lives.
Master, one God, quiet us and draw us near. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
Our attitude makes a significant difference in the way we approach our day, our family, our work, our giving. As we prepare to leave this sanctuary, let’s do an attitude check.
What do you think of when you consider what God has given you? What leaps to mind as something for which you are sincerely thankful?
Knowing God has provided us with so much, our tithes, gifts, and offerings may seem little in comparison. Yet we know we are called to be faithful over it all: our time, our talents, our gifts, and our service.
When we give of ourselves, we’re putting into motion the spiritual discipline of stewardship. Jesus taught his disciples when they are faithful over a few things, they can be expected to be faithful over much, much more.
This time of offering allows each of us to act out our life understanding. How can each of us adjust our attitude to reflect this truth: no one can have both “stuff” (including money) as primary, and still truly claim to have God as primary in life. “You cannot serve God and wealth.”
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Knowing many voices clamor and compete,
God of mercy, may these gifts, tithes and offerings
become symbols of our reaffirmed intention
to serve You, alone: one master, one God.
Use this money, and use us, to declare hope to a struggling world, AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Jesus’ parable of the dishonest manager helps us know our own era is not the only one in which people sneak, steal, and act shrewdly. Yet the wealth of the rich man and the “adjustments” made by the manager (steward), were insignificant compared to the TRUE riches God offers to each and to all of God’s own beloved creatures.
When we come to this table, we’re invited to recognize the true riches which have been given. For these tiny pieces of bread and thimbles of juice open our eyes to see the abundant love of Jesus poured out.
As we focus our minds and hearts on these gifts, there is no need to sneak, steal or act shrewdly. Rather, this is our opportunity to be fully present and fully honest with God.
So come, for this table holds true riches which we are invited to receive. All who are hungry are welcome at this meal.
(Opening Prayer and Prayer of Thanksgiving both adapted from