September 29, 2019
Proper 21
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
1 Timothy 6:6-19
Luke 16:19-31
Call to Worship (from Psalm 91)
One: Rejoice! We come to worship our refuge and strength!
Many: The Lord is the One we trust!
One: Here we gather to call out God’s name.
Many: Here we find satisfaction, knowing God is our saving grace.
One: Kept in safety, we need not fear.
Many: So let us worship the Lord, our refuge and strength!
If you have someone available who could sing (solo voice), consider using “On Eagle’s Wings” (CH # 77) for the call to worship:
One: verse 1
Many: We rejoice in God’s care!
One: verse 4
Many: God is ever and always the One we can trust
All: Refrain
Opening Prayer (from Psalm 91)
Like a mother eagle, God, you hold us close and offer your care to all who seek refuge. Wrap us in your love, as your beloved creatures who trust you.
We give you thanks for the ways you answer when we call. In this hour, reach out to abide with us and show us your grace. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (from Luke 16:19-31)
Often when we come to worship, what we hear from scripture is painfully different from what we hear in our homes, at work, or in conversation with our friends. Jesus has a fundamentally different way of looking at many things – but especially our way of dealing with money.
Luke 16 includes 3 warnings of the dangers of wealth. Today we hear of the “turn-about” after their deaths of one (proudly wealthy in earthly life) and another who was down-and-out poor (now seated with Abraham).
After their deaths, the selfish rich man, from Hades (described as a place of eternal punishment), tried to bargain with “Father Abraham” for Lazarus to come and provide some respite. If that were not possible, he pleaded for Lazarus to return from death to give a warning to his still-living brothers.
Abraham’s response was clear: not even someone rising from the dead will be enough to change the brothers!
Will we take this as fair warning for us? While we may not consider ourselves rich, we do recognize so many in the world today who suffer from extreme poverty.
No one of us can respond to the needs everywhere, but each one of us can respond to the needs of one. What is it you will do, this side of heaven?
What is it you will do today, as we share our tithes, our gifts and our offerings?
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of all the earth, thank you for the resources we have been given.
As we relish the joys of our earthly lives, free us to be generous givers.
Thank you for the challenge we heard from scripture today, and this opportunity to respond. Help us carry with us an image of all the good which can come from what we have offered back to you and to your church in this offering.
Invitation to Communion
At this table of the Lord, we celebrate with thanksgiving the saving acts and presence of Christ. In light of the scripture from Luke, we rejoice because we are invited to the sumptuous feast.
And here, we recognize ALL are welcome. No one must wait to see if there are crumbs which may fall. God, who is rich in mercy, makes possible a meal with enough space for each one.
So come, because the table is set.
Come, because Jesus the Christ invites all.
Come, knowing our station in life,
our clothing choices, our wealth,
our age, our gender identity,
our race, language, color or ethnicity
none of that excludes us from this meal.
Come! Share the Lord (use hymn #408 from CH – “Come, Share the Lord”)