November 10, 2019
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Proper 27
Call to Worship (from Psalm 145)
One: Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised!
Many: We’re together as God’s people, to offer our praise,
One: for God’s greatness is unsearchable.
Many: With one voice, we declare God’s mighty acts:
One: Justice, kindness, saving grace – these mark God’s every move.
Many: Surrounded by a company of those who love God, let us worship
the Lord our God!
Opening Prayer
Mighty God, we give you thanks for your gracious and merciful ways.
You’re slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
So we call on you in truth, grateful for your promise to watch over us,
hear our cries and save us for service now and in your Realm to come.
Receive our praise in this hour! AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
Just a week ago, many of us observed All Saints Sunday, remembering those whose lives came to an end in the last year, and lifting up some of the saints of the church.
Today, I re-call that celebration and also call to mind Veteran’s Day. Originally commemorating the cessation of violence in WWI on “the 11th day of the 11th month, at 11:00 in the morning”, November 11th has become an day to remember veterans who died in service and to honor all who have served our country in the military.
These two events each lift up people who offered their lives to some One or something greater than themselves. We see that, also, in the life of Jesus, whom we seek to follow.
Truly, all of us are challenged by our faith to offer our lives, as stewards of God’s many gifts. Week by week, we provide opportunity to response to this invitation.
What does your offering say about your own identity?
How might you change what you offer if you were to look at your gift as a distinctive demonstration of your identity as a follower of Jesus, the Christ?
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Living God, as we present these gifts to you, we thank you for the ways you allowed Jesus to model true stewardship. Now please accept this offering as a sign of our identity as a disciple/follower of Jesus. Help us translate this money into acts of compassion, justice and reconciliation. Open our eyes to see a glimpse of the way your will may be done on earth, as it is in heaven. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus is asked questions about what happens in the resurrection. His response comes with direct correlations to the teachings of the Torah, and reminds his listeners that they/we serve a God not of the dead, but of the living (Luke 20:38).
We are living AND we are children of the resurrection!
That combination becomes visible when we come to this communion table. Here we remember Jesus and his disciples, gathered in an upper room.
We also recognize this as a rehearsal for the banquet when the Risen Christ will welcome all (from north and south, east and west) to the wedding feast of the Lamb.
Because we are living, we relish this opportunity to share in tangible reminders of Jesus.
Because we are children of the resurrection, we also eagerly anticipate the time when God’s will is fully done and the “circle won’t be broken”.
So come to this table, for you are alive
and by your faith, you’re claimed as a child of the resurrection!