February 9, 2020
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Call to Worship (from Isaiah 58:10-12)
One: Who wants a light for the darkness?
Many: We do! We want our gloom to turn into bright noonday.
One: We’re here as people willing to offer food to the hungry.
Many: Together, we’re eager to satisfy the needs of the afflicted.
One: Give thanks! For when we act, the Lord will guide us and
we’ll be like a watered garden.
Many: Together, let’s pray for God to guide us.
Opening Prayer
God of all good gifts, we’re together this morning, eager to thank you. We offer our gratitude not just for waking us up this morning, or providing our air and food and water. We thank you, too, for the ways you challenge us to share our bread with the hungry, cover the naked, and care for our own kin. As we worship you, encourage us to be your light in the world. Hear us as we call for help, believing you will respond “here I am”. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (in response to Matthew 5:14-16)
Do you remember the song “This Little Light of Mine”? (consider singing this either in response to the moment for stewardship, or as offertory music)
Using song and action, we’ve taught our children – and ourselves – the importance of letting our light shine “all over _(our town)_”.
Today, let’s think together of ways our congregation lets our light shine. Turn to someone close to you and name one or two ways you’ve seen the light shine from this congregation. (allow a minute for conversation)
And all of that action comes with a cost. Because we are a congregation willing to share our time, our talents and our treasure, we’re able to let our light keep on shining as we _______________ (name 2 or 3 ways this congregation is “light of the world”).
Today, let’s turn up the wattage…or perhaps even move from incandescent
to LED (loving-edifying-discipling) as we receive our morning offering.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Shine on, Lord Jesus! Let your light shine in us.
Let your light shine through us.
Use these gifts, and each one of us, to bring our lamps out from under a basket and give light to ALL. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Every time we come to the Lord’s Table, we have an opportunity to experience this meal in a different way. Recently, I heard a story of a child who had been seriously ill. At the hospital, he was given a glass full of liquid to drink before being taken to a small room, laid on a gurney and told to lie still while the technicians worked. The young child was fascinated to see on a screen above him the bright light of that liquid moving down through his whole belly area.
“I’m a light!” he announced. “Look at me! I could light up the whole hospital, I’m so bright!”
Imagine with me what could happen if the bread we eat and the juice we drink would light us up! When we’re fed at this Table, it’s one way God’s light is communicated to us.
So come to the Table. Eat this bread. Drink this cup. Celebrate, for
you are the light of the world! Let your light shine as you go from this place, that we might all give glory to God.