January 12, 2020
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
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Call to Worship (from Psalm 29, The Message)
One: Bravo, GOD, bravo!
Many: We’re gathered in awe before the glory of God’s visible power!
One: Stand at attention! God’s tympanic, symphonic thunder roars,
Many: and we celebrate, for God rules this world!
One: Let us rejoice, as God’s people are made strong
Many: and we pray, grateful God gives God’s people peace
Opening Prayer (inspired by Ps. 29)
One voice: Like the mighty power of a thunderstorm, God,
you are at work in your own creation.
Thank you for your presence with us as we gather to worship you.
Let your voice be heard this morning, as we offer you our praise.
Open us to recognize you as sovereign, ruler of all life,
even as we call out “Glory!”
And as all the people say
All: Amen!
Moment for Stewardship
(In many sanctuaries, it’s possible to see an image of a dove. Point this out, if you have one, or show an image on your screen, or print one in your bulletin)
Across Christian communities, this Sunday is a day to focus on Jesus’ baptism in the river Jordan. John (often called “the Baptist”) was baptizing people for repentance from their sins, when Jesus came to be baptized.
After Jesus came up from the water, he saw God’s Spirit coming down like a dove, alighting on him. Did you know that’s why, over the centuries, a dove’s image has been part of many sanctuaries (“including ours”…or “like the image we now see”)?
So when we’re gathered in our sanctuary, we might easily recall the gift of our own baptism, and the baptisms of so many here today.
In gratitude for the way God has claimed you in baptism, will you now share your own gifts?
Our gifts usually come in the form of a portion of our money, but that’s simply one form into which we translate our time and talents. Whatever you bring today, please now share that with a willing heart as we receive our morning offering.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of power and glory, thank you for your gifts of life, baptism and Spirit. Receive our offering today as a sign of our intention to live out our identity as followers of Jesus the Christ, children of your Realm, and empowered-by-your-Spirit people.
We ask you to use these gifts and to use us to share Good News with a weary and worried world. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Each Sunday as we gather around the Lord’s Table, we lift up a different facet of the gift we’ve been given. Today, listening to the scripture from Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus is claimed by God as “my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased”.
Can you remember a time when a parent, teacher, or other adult in your life claimed you with such obvious pride and love?
Jesus, at his baptism, was identified and lifted up with a compelling affirmation. We hear the same claim later, in Matthew 17:5, as Jesus was transfigured before his disciples.
What a gift we’ve been given. We’re all invited and welcomed to the table with God’s Son, the beloved, who pleases God. Through Jesus, we are made one!
So come as we sing: (consider using CH 408, Come Share the Lord)
“We gather here, in Jesus name, His love is burning in our hearts like living flame; for through the. Loving Son, the Father makes us one; Come, take the bread, come, drink the wine, come, share the Lord.”