Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
January 5, 2020
Call to Worship (from Isaiah 60)
One: Arise! Shine! For your light has come.
Many: The glory of the Lord rests on us all.
One: So let the Lord rise!
Many: Look! Our hearts rejoice.
One: Together, we come to praise God!
Many: Let our lives show God’s light to the world.
Opening Prayer
Holy God, Creator of all the light in the cosmos,
we welcome this Epiphany Sunday, celebrating your light in our midst.
When we’re weary, may we know your love more completely.
When our own light is dim, let your light shine in us, on us, and through us.
When the pain and worries of the world break in, let your light shine!
Help us breathe in your assurance of the Light we know as Jesus Christ,
the One who came to show your love to the world. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (from Matthew 12:1-12)
(consider telling the story of the magi who saw the star, trusted it, followed it, and brought their gifts for the newborn.
Follow that by offering star gifts to each person in the sanctuary. Read more about this here: https://www.reformedworship.org/article/september-2009/star-gifts
Only after each person has received a gift is it time to invite everyone to share/give a gift in support of the congregation and its mission/ministries.)
(Whether or not you choose to do star gifts, this is a perfect day to sing “We Three Kings” or have this as your offertory — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8mjRxkMBkE)
Remembering the time after Jesus was born, Matthew’s Gospel describes the visit of the magi to the house (not a stable J), bringing their gifts.
Today, we bring our gifts, and offer them in grateful praise for the gift God has given us and the whole world in Jesus.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Generous God,
We thank you for the gifts you pour out on each of us, and on your creation. Receive, now, this offering, symbols of our lives and our love
in check, coin and cash.
Receive our intention to live into the light, even as you pour out your Holy Spirit on each of us. May the true Light made known in Jesus Christ fill us,
that we may go from this place to be your light in the world. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Epiphany, or “manifestation”, is the traditional celebration of the magi coming to find Jesus. It’s the 12th day of Christmas, and in many lands is the day on which gifts are given (rather than on Christmas day), modeling our actions on the actions of the magi.
Gratefully, it isn’t just once a year, but is every Sunday we gather at this Table to praise Christ and celebrate the gifts offered to us in the bread and the juice. These elements point us to Jesus’ love manifested for the world in his death on the cross.
So come! You are welcome at this Table. There’s a place for you at this feast. The gifts are here, and there’s room at the Table for all.