March 8, 2020
Lent II
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
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Call to Worship (from Psalm 121)
One: Come! With the Psalmist,
let’s sing our confidence in God’s protective care!
Many: Our help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
One: What will this Lord God do?
Many: God is our keeper, shading us so the sun will not strike by day,
nor the moon by night.
One: The Lord will keep us,
Many: the Lord will keep our going out and our coming in, forever!
All: So let us worship the Lord our God!
Opening Prayer
God of all life, thank you for waking us up this morning, and for walking with us each step of our day. Receive our praise.
Accept our joy as we share in this hour of worship,
even as you pour out your Spirit, that we might be born anew. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
One of the most familiar of all scriptures is John 3:16.
Can you recite it with me? (or “read it with me” and put it on your screen)
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life.”
We often speak about what God gives: life, the church, air, water, food, family, friends. Especially in this season of Lent, we’re reminded how much God loves each of us – and all of us (“the world”). Enough to give an amazing gift: “his only Son”!
When we reciprocate, declaring our love of God, we’re urged to give of ourselves. How will you do that today?
As we receive our morning offering, consider how your giving shows your love. Will you share your time? Your talent? Your financial resources (treasure)?
Cheerfully, let’s offer our gifts.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Ever-giving God, like animals emerging from hibernation to greet the spring-time sun, we turn to you. You provide for us, and continue to offer the amazing gift of Jesus, the Christ. Thank you for the abundance of your generous spirit, and for this opportunity to respond with our tithes, gifts and offerings. Receive them as symbols of our whole lives. Use them and use us, to share Good News with a wintry, still-hibernating world. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
For many Christians, baptism is a one-time event. Yet the promises of “water and Spirit” received in baptism are confirmed over and over when we come to the Lord’s Table. Here, all are welcome. Here, promises come in the form of bread and juice/wine. Here, we renew our covenant.
one, two or three voices could be used to share this poetic invitation:
“Come! Let us celebrate the supper of the Lord.
Let us make a huge loaf of bread
and let us bring abundant wine
as at the wedding feast of Cana.
Let the women not forget the salt,
let the men bring the yeast.
Let the guests come,
the lame, the blind, the crippled, the poor.
Come quickly.
Let us follow the recipe of the Lord.
All of us, let us knead the dough together
with our hands.
Let us see with joy
how the bread grows.
Because today we celebrate the meeting with the Lord.
Today we renew our commitment to God.” 1
- Elsa Tamez, “Come Let us Celebrate” in No Longer Strangers
(Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1983)