April 5, 2020
Palm Sunday
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
You may invite the congregation to process into the sanctuary, or if you are worshiping on-line, invite participants to wave their own hands (palms) and sing along to the music, “All Glory, Laud and Honor”, which is in the public domain. You could stream this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3a8fTTrAdE
Call to Worship
L: We gather here, together, shouting “Hosanna!”
P: Hosanna! We raise our branches in joy!
L: Joining all who wish to see Jesus,
P: we’re eager to receive his blessing.
L: We gather here, together,
P: waving our branches in hope!
L: Wondering if we are able to walk with Jesus,
P: we gather here,
L: preparing,
P: lifting our branches as we pray.
Opening Prayer
God of all good gifts, we raise our voices, our palms and our “hosannas” today, remembering Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. We rejoice with those first disciples as we recognize the Lord among us.
So let our praises ring! Keep our hearts oriented to you this day, even as we prepare for the pain of betrayal and the horrors of the cross. Hold us close so we may follow Jesus into peace that holds in time of trouble, persisting far beyond today’s parade.
Moment for Stewardship
The amazing gift of Jesus, who fully embodied God’s love,
prompts us to make a grateful response.
Christ’s love flowed like a fountain for those he met:
not only people like him, but women, tax collectors, lepers,
foreigners and strangers.
As Christ followers, through our offerings today, we share this love as we support this congregation, our outreach missions, and the larger life of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) with our Easter special day offering.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Mighty God,
On that first Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into the city where he soon would die. Just as his disciples and the crowds blessed his entry, spreading garments and branches, so we’ve come to lay at your feet these gifts – symbols of all we have and all we are. May this offering be our non-verbal “Hosanna”, as we bless your beloved Son, the One who comes in the name of the Lord. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
We hear in the Gospels how Jesus spent lots of time around a table, with friends and with the disciples.
In the last days of his life, he was at table, and told the disciples he knew one of them was his betrayer.
Yet, the meal continued.
Jesus did not send the betrayer away…
nor did he push away those who would soon desert him.
Instead, he made a new covenant with these followers, pouring the cup of forgiveness.
Here, now, you can claim that forgiveness for yourself, and find encouragement to forgive others,
even as God has already forgiven you.
So come! All are welcome at this table. Remember Jesus as you share in this loaf and in this juice, symbols of his body and blood.