May 10, 2020
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Easter 5A
(if you can show this video, use it ahead of the call to worship, or later in the service to give an expanded sense to the John 14 scripture:
Call to Worship (from John 14)
One: How can we know the way?
Many: Believe in God! Believe also in Jesus, the Christ.
One: How can we know the way?
Many: Know Jesus! He’s the way, the truth and the life!
One: Let’s walk in the Way of Jesus!
Many: We believe in God, so rejoice! We can do great things.
One: Rejoice, and lift up your hearts as we pray.
Opening Prayer
We thank you, God of wonders, for Jesus, our resurrected Lord.
Thank you that he has gone before us to prepare a place for us and for all.
Help us in this hour to see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day. AMEN
(quoted from Day by Day, CH #599)
Moment for Stewardship
Have you ever belonged to a house? Perhaps in college, you were part of a sorority or fraternity. Maybe your Scottish heritage takes you back to a specific clan or house. Perhaps you live now in a specific multi-dwelling space and identify with the specific location.
Or maybe you’re a huge Harry Potter fan and have been through your own Sorting Hat exercise, being claimed by a particular house.
In I Peter, we hear the invitation directed to each one of us. “… let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (I Peter 2:5
One way we can be identified as living stones is to offer ourselves, and the symbols of our lives – our finances – to God. If we’re connecting virtually, let’s think of those who make up our own CHURCH house. Bring faces to your mind. Bless each one with your heart. Now, ‘s how it takes all of us together to be built into the spiritual house of our congregation.
Because we are one part of the whole body of Christ, let share our offerings and our very lives, knowing “once (we) were not a people, but now (we) are God’s people; once (we) had not received mercy, but now (we) have received mercy”.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
With grateful hearts, God, ask you to receive these tithes, gifts and offerings to continue creating your house in this place. Help us recognize we are your own people, eager to proclaim Christ’s mighty acts as we are called out of darkness into his marvelous light!
Lead us ever toward the shining Light of Life, even Jesus the Christ, AMEN
Invitation to Communion
In this season, so transformed by the Corona virus, it’s challenging to come to a common table. It’s tough to find ways to share a common meal. It may be impossible for us to serve one another these gifts of bread and cup.
Just as the early disciples were faced with extraordinary circumstances, we find ourselves challenged by the realities in which we are living.
We recognize Jesus has gone before us to prepare a place for us.
Jesus promised his first followers, what we claim as well, knowing Jesus said: “I will come again and will take you to myself”. So today, whether you are alone with your computer, gathered with your closest family, or sitting back in your own sanctuary, you are invited to this holy meal.
Come! For the table is spread, and you are invited to partake, for the resurrected Christ is our host. Come! Take the bread, drink from the cup, and proclaim God’s love made known in this Way.