Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
January 24, 2021
Epiphany 3
Psalm 62:5-12
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Call to Worship (Jonah 3 and Psalm 62)
One: Come! Praise the God of all Creation.
Many: We come to worship the One who calls us,
One: speaking with a different voice; offering an unexpected invitation.
Many: We’re eager to celebrate the presence of God-as-Love.
One: Today let us rejoice, for the realm of God is near.
Many: Rejoice! Together, let us worship the Lord our God!
(adapted from https://www.ministrymatters.com/all/entry/5660/worship-elements-
Opening Prayer
We hear you calling, God of all the ages, in this season of life where so much seems to be in turmoil and confusion. We hear you calling, even as early disciples heard Jesus calling them; “Follow me”.
So we gather today, (by Zoom and phone, in socially-distanced pews, behind masks and concern) eager to respond to your call out of the past and into the new world which is being birthed.
Grant us assurance you will walk with us, and will not leave us orphaned, as we point our faces to your Realm of wholeness and holiness,
Even as we continue to seek the One who is the Light of Life, even Jesus, the Christ, AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
(bring a regular spoon and a soup ladle with you to hold as you invite folks to today’s time of sharing)
Seems when we focus on worship, we often think of this as a time to “be fed”. We might not actually bring silverware with us, but I can imagine many of us, spoon in hand, eager to “fill up” with scripture, prayer, music, Good News. Important opportunity to prepare for challenges which lie ahead.
How glad I am that every time we connect for worship (even if it’s over the internet), there’s also a “moment for stewardship”. Today, it’s a moment we’re encouraged not only to hold our spoon, but to bring soup ladles!
After all, a spoon is what we use to feed ourselves.
A ladle is what we use to serve others.
Today, with the echo of Jesus’ voice calling his first disciples, let us bring our ladles to serve those yearning for Good News, for love, for the assurance of God’s presence.
Ladles up! What are you dishing out with your offering today?
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God, we thank you for this time when our own eyes can be opened once again, and our hearts challenged, to act out our claim, “we are disciples of Christ!” Please receive the gifts we’ve offered here today – the checks and coins, along with our confession that we WANT to follow Jesus.
Take all which has been laid before you, and multiply it. Intensify our inner desire to act in love, as Jesus responded to those he encountered. And keep reminding us of the gifts you provide, that we might be ladle-centered people this day, and in the days to come. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Paul wrote to the people of Corinth, alternating between encouragement and chastisement. Over and over, he reminded them of a new world breaking in.
Today, I invite you to put on your “Paul” glasses so you can see, hear and TASTE that new world here, at this Table.
From now on, let even those who are wealthy be as tho’ we have no money.
Let those caught up in the anxieties of COVID challenges be as tho’ all the world were healthy. Let those who are fear-filled because of unrest and violence drink in what is offered here.
For here, it is the Lord of Life who welcomes all; wealthy and poor, healthy and ill, anxious and free. You are welcome, not because of your age or race, your height or weight, your peace or torment. You are welcome because the present form of this world is passing away.
Come! This is the training table for the new world coming!
(You might use Cass Elliott’s old song, or at least quote the words:
“There’s a new world coming…” https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=gi2TWDTEDFA&list=RDAMVMgi2TWDTEDFA)
Created To Be a Steward
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