March 14, 2021
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Lent IV
Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22
Ephesians 2:1-10
John 3:14-21
Remember to add a fourth candle to your worship visuals, if you’re adding one each week.
Call to Worship (1 voice, from Ephesians 2)
Good News!
God, who loves each, and ALL, saves everyone by grace!
This isn’t because of what we’ve done, or how we’ve lived.
This is God’s G.I.F.T —
(that’s “Grace Inhabits Freely; THANKS!”)
So we praise God!
Opening Prayer
Gracious, Loving God, we once were dead…but you made us alive!
Help us believe this good news, and rejoice because you’ve made us
for good works.
We pour out our praise and sing our thanksgiving to you.
Allow us to live this way not only in this hour, but in every moment of our days. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (John 3:19-21)
(if you have someone who can sing “This Little Light of Mine”, use this!)
Do you remember this children’s song, “This Little Light of Mine”?
Every time we gather for worship, I can imagine each person as a “little light”: a candle, star-light, a lantern in the dark forest, a flashlight in the night, all moving toward the Light of Life (Jesus).
John’s Gospel says it this way: “those who do what is true come to the light.”
In our Lenten journey, we’re now half way between Ash Wednesday and Easter Day. How are you letting your light shine? Are you on the move, heading closer to Jesus and his way of life, as you travel?
This time in our worship opens the door for you to let your light shine through your offering. What you share is a sign of the “little light” which you are. Especially in these 40 days, may you be challenged and inspired to dig deep and offer a sacrificial gift to support _________________ (whatever is your Lenten focus).
When our lights all come together, what a GLORIOUS sight!
Our deeds declare the love of God made known in Jesus, the Christ!
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Even as our lives reflect your love, Lord, we pray:
multiply these gifts and extend our capacities,
that your will may be known on the earth,
and your saving grace to all generations! AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Did you hear it?
In the scripture from Numbers, Moses raises up a bronze serpent and people bitten by the fiery snakes look to the bronze serpent and are healed.
In John’s Gospel, that story is remembered when John writes “just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up…”
And in Ephesians, we hear “God…made us alive together with Christ… and raised us up with him…”
How fitting it then is when we come to this Table.
Here, WE lift the bread.
We recognize in this symbol, the healing power of Jesus Christ.
Then, let us reflect on the emblem of this bread.
Together, let’s remember Jesus, first lifted up on the cross,
then God’s love lifting Jesus to new life three days later.
In our own Lenten/pandemic/anxiety-filled wilderness,
all are welcome to take and eat this bread and drink the juice,
proclaiming our desire to follow Jesus as Lord of Life, until we, too,
are raised up.