June 13, 2021

June 13, 2021

Worship Resources for 
the Center for Faith and Giving

Pentecost IV

1 Samuel 15:34-16:13  

Psalm 20 

 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, (11-13), 14-17

Mark 4:26-34

Call to Worship  (a contemporary re-wording of some of Psalm 20)One:  Come on!  Let’s celebrate, 
             knowing the Lord will answer us when we call.
Many:  When we’re in trouble, we can gain help as we call out God’s name.
One:   Some take pride in stocks and bonds, and some in Teslas and 
           Lamborghinis, but our pride is in the name of the Lord our God.
One:  We can shout “hurrah!” whenever we hear of God’s victory over 
Many:  We won’t collapse but rise and stand up tall, 
             grateful for God’s answer when we call.

Opening Prayer  

God of all life, 
we rejoice in your presence here among your gathered congregation!  
Thank you for the ways you continue to respond to our cries for help in times of trouble.  Thank you for helping us stand tall even in challenging times.  
Now speak to us through this hour of worship, that we might be strengthened and encouraged to live our faith in each encounter of the coming week.  AMEN

Moment for Stewardship  

Sometimes do you wish we could just wave a wand and bring about God’s Realm “on earth as it is in heaven”?

I do!  I’d love to wave a wand so we might have
                    the financial backing to make some things right,
                        the ethical assurance to fix some perpetual injustices,
    the Biblical confidence to make “love your neighbor” exist everywhere.

But, as Jesus taught in the parable of the growing seed (Mark 4:26-29), the coming of the realm of God is more like what happens after the seed is planted.

Our job becomes one of doing the right thing (we must do the planting), then WAITING (actively, of course) for God’s realm to grow.

So today, “the right thing” includes sharing our financial resources in order to plant the good seed.  It takes $$ for us to be able to _____________
(fill in with what your congregation is already doing/planting).

And it takes active waiting, like __________________ (name how you are actively waiting!) before we will be able to recognize God’s Realm in our midst.

So, let’s do the work together, and actively engage in waiting, together,
so we can celebrate when it’s time for the harvest to begin!  

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Great God of the Promised Harvest,
You continue to entrust us with this world.
You to blow the breath/Spirit of life into each one of us.
You hold before us the possibility of living as if your Realm is already complete, even knowing it is “not yet”.

So receive these gifts, freely given.  Accept our hearts, minds and hands, eager to do your will in the world we inhabit.  Use us and these gifts, all, toward fulfillment of your desired Realm, where your Beloved, Jesus, reigns with you.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion  

(if you have capacity to play or sing “I Walk By Faith”, it’s a contemporary song of encouragement.  One music video with this song is found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxmUTY4ZxIY)

Coming to this Table, all are invited to receive these gifts of bread and juice as symbols of Jesus’ love for his disciples. 

In 2nd Corinthians we’re reminded “we walk by faith and not by sight”.
Because of that truth, so often it’s the smallest item, the smallest moment, which becomes an assurance of God’s presence with us.  We put our trust in God, recognizing this tiny piece of bread/cracker and a thimble-full of juice is enough to strengthen us for the work which is before us.

Come!  You are welcome at this feast.
Come!  The Lord of all creation invites us.
Come!  The Savior of the world will meet us, and welcome us!