April 17, 2022 (EASTER)

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Acts 10:34-43 

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24

I Corinthians 15:19-26 

 Luke 24:1-12

Call to Worship 

1 Voice:  Darkness gives way to light;

Cong:     Christ is risen!

1 Voice:  Violence gives way to love;

Cong:     Christ is risen!

1 Voice:  Despair gives way to hope;

Cong:     Christ is risen!

1 Voice:  Death gives way to life;

ALL:       Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

             (adapted from resources for 4-21-19 found in the archives of
Opening Prayer

God of all creation, we rejoice today because Christ IS risen!
We celebrate, because you raised Jesus from the tomb,
  and the resurrected Christ is still Good News for the world today.

We praise you for the first disciples who claimed your victory in Jesus;
for Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary (mother of James) and those other women.  We rejoice because they spoke up, carrying the message to the eleven and all the others

So enliven US this day, fill us with joy, and challenge us to speak the truth we know:”Good News!  Now is Christ risen from the dead!”  AMEN

Moment for Stewardship 

Elijah came to church for the very first time after he traveled as an immigrant to his new town.  The people who welcomed him at the airport were from a congregation which volunteered to help Elijah transition from his refugee camp to this new community.

That was on a Wednesday.  Over the next few days, Elijah made lists of what he had, and what he needed to start this new life.  Each day, folks came to help Elijah.  They ended up getting to know each other quickly as they worked, side-by-side.

By Saturday, his new friends made sure Elijah had adequate warm clothing, good shoes, enough food and some simple additions to his apartment.  It was that afternoon when Joey said “hey, Elijah, we’d love for you to come to worship tomorrow!  It’s Easter!” 

Elijah asked “what is “Easter?”

Joey, stunned, finally replied, “it’s the coolest, best day of the whole year!  It’s the day we celebrate, because death isn’t the winner.  LIFE wins!  You know, L.I.F.E !  (That means “love is forever; Easter!”).

Sunday morning, Elijah, Joey and the others came to worship, sitting together in the midst of the crowd.  When it came time for the offering, Joey whispered “don’t worry; this is a time for giving money, but you don’t have to give any”.  Elijah whispered back, “I’m so GLAD I’m not still in that refugee camp.  I’m finding new LIFE!  I want others to be winners, too!”

Friends, today’s a day to let your LIFE be an Easter life!  You’re invited to share your financial support, your time and your talents, giving thanks for all the Elijahs in our midst, and all those yet to come.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

God, thank you for this opportunity for each of us to recognize Easter as our true home. 
As we’ve reached out to share from our resources,
           you’ve breathed into us a desire to know LIFE. 
Let the rhythm of this resurrection day 
           pulse with your heart-rhythm,
    that we might seek always to live justly and
           reach out each day in compassion to our neighbors in need. 
Set the table of our lives with the generosity of your Spirit. 
God, with this offering and with our desire to be faith-filled Jesus followers,
let us help proclaim LIFE as the gift we receive from the resurrected Christ,   Amen. 

(adapted from https://united-church.ca/prayers/shelter-world-love-easter)

Invitation to Communion 

The celebration of Easter has become so wrapped up in candy, rabbits, and spring-time prizes hidden in eggs…
but we come here today to shout out our joy in a far greater celebration.

As we remember Jesus’ death, and hope in his resurrection,
as we sing glad songs, and even as we whisper our doubts, 
we proclaim the mystery we call faith: 

The One we thought was dead 
   is alive; 

the One we thought was lost 
   has found us; 

the One we thought we would never see again 
   recognizes us and calls us by our names 
(adapted from http://lectionaryliturgies.blogspot.com/2019/04/liturgy-with-communion-for-

Each of us, and ALL of us, are invited to feast at this table, rejoicing in resurrection power.  Let your Hosannas ring out as we break the bread of new creation!

(use CH #222, “Christ is Risen!  Shout Hosanna!” as your communion hymn)