June 12, 2022

Worship Resources for 
the Center for Faith and Giving

Trinity Sunday

Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31

Psalm 8

 Romans 5:1-5

John 16:12-15

A contemporary song with lyrics from the opening verse of Psalm 8 is 
“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.”
Find one possible video of this song here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXzzsoL7tEI
use the chorus, found in Chalice Hymnal, #63

Call to Worship  
(inspired by Psalm 8)
One: In all the earth, God’s name be praised!
Many: We look all around and celebrate, for God made each of us!
One:  God gives humans responsibility and authority over the cosmos.
Many: How amazing, to be created and called by Almighty God!
One: Praise our Creator, our Redeemer, our Sustainer!
Many: Let’s give glory to God in this hour of worship!

Opening Prayer  

God who set the earth in its orbit,
  God who sent Jesus to show love to one and all,
    God who lives within 
        and calls us to live out your highest desire for this world, 
we lift our voices today to sing and to speak words of praise for you.
Receive all we offer, including our gratitude, 
for you are the bedrock of our lives.   AMEN

Moment for Stewardship  

Paul’s writing to the church at Rome includes this line: “since we are justified by faith”.  
Theologians spend much time with this word “justify”.  Today, I want to help us understand this word by referring to old newspaper typesetting and today’s Word formatting.

Here is a justified paragraph, in form and in description:

To justify is to make right and equal.  When a line of type is “justified”, in goes from the beginning of the line to the end, by adjusting the sizes of letters and spaces.  Looking at a paragraph of justified type, it’s straight on both sides.  

When we are justified, our lives are “squared up”.  We’re made right.  When we’re justified, by God’s grace, we’re given all we have AND are inspired to share what we have.

What would it take for the gifts you’ve been given (of time, talent and treasure) be “justified” by the gifts you give?

Today, in gratitude for all God continues to pour IN, let us celebrate our ability to pour out as we share our morning gifts, tithes and offerings.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Generous and gracious God, 
Thank you for the ways you justify each of us, and all of us.  
Thank you for “squaring us up” and making us right.
And thank you for receiving the gifts we’ve brought today.
Please help us use each gift to its full measure, so the financial support, the talents shared, and the time contributed allow each of the ministries of this congregation to fulfill your desire for us and for your world.   AMEN

Invitation to Communion  

Each time we come to this Table we have opportunity to grasp the hope  displayed in these emblems of bread and juice.  

Tho’ we receive just a sip of juice and a tiny square of cracker, with eyes of faith we see these elements as signs of abundant and eternal life in Jesus, the Christ.  When we touch these elements, we have a tangible sign of God-with-us.  When we taste these elements, we’re reminded of the presence of the Holy, who loved us from the start, and loves us today.  

So come!  The feast is before us.  All are welcome to share in these gifts, remembering how Paul encouraged the believers in Rome, saying “and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts…”