Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Call to Worship (inspired by I Timothy 1)One: Gather in, beloved sisters and brothers of Christ Jesus!
Many: The grace of God overflows.
One: We’re celebrating because Jesus strengthens all who follow him.
Many: We’re joy-filled because God’s mercy pours out for each and for all!
One: To God, immortal, invisible, the only God,
Many: be honor and glory forever!
(use “Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise”, CH #66
or change the last line to “to God be the glory!” and use CH#72,
“To God be the Glory” as the opening hymn)
Opening Prayer
Merciful God,
we stand before you in this hour, grateful for the ways you fill us with your grace and mercy. You do not leave us or forsake us, even when we’ve acted ignorantly.
So may your Spirit draw us close to you and to one another.
Show us the delight of serving you by serving others.
Strengthen us today, and every day, to act out your grace and love.
Moment for Stewardship
In Luke’s Gospel we hear Jesus tell two parables about finding what’s lost: the lost sheep, and the lost coin. In both, people rejoice when the lost is found. A found sheep and a recovered/found coin call for sharing the JOY of heaven.
About 10 years ago, a 12 year old Southern California girl, Jessie Rees, was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Instead of focusing on her own struggles, Jessie began to share toys with other children with cancer. Jessie’s middle name, Joy, gave her the idea of naming this effort “JOY JARS”, which she personally packed and delivered while she was able. Since that time, her family has created a foundation to honor the life of Jessie and her vigorous desire to care for other children by challenging them to “Never Ever Give Up (NEGU)”.
Jessie discovered her own short life took on greater meaning when she was able to help others by sharing her joy. Sounds like that shepherd with 100 sheep! Sounds like that woman with 10 coins!
Sounds like what Jesus continues to teach us. How will you share your joy today as we receive our morning offering?
Prayer of Thanksgiving
For the stories of a joy-filled shepherd, a rejoicing woman, and a “focused on others” young girl, we give you thanks, God.
For this opportunity to dig deep and find joy in our giving,
we give you thanks.
Now receive these gifts, and help us transform them to spread your JOY in a world so often over-run by all that is lost. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
September 11th is a somber day for many Americans as we remember the horror of 4 commercial jets being hijacked, the World Trade Towers being destroyed, one plane crashing into the Pentagon and another crashing into a field in Pennsylvania.
In recognition of these events, every year on September 11th, the Tribute in Light is illuminated as soon as the sun goes down.
On this September 11th, as some of us remember back to 2001, and others recognize this historical moment, we gather around this Table of Remembrance, grateful for the Light of the World we know as Jesus, the Christ.
We continue to seek light for our world. You are invited to come share in these elements of bread and juice, emblems Jesus used when he invited his followers to remember him after his earthly life came to an end.
The table is spread.
May the Light of Life shine through you as you share in this feast.