Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
All Saints Day, Year C
Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18
Psalm 149
Ephesians 1:11-23
Luke 6:20-31
Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 149)
Leader: Remembering the saints of all time, we come to sing a new song
of thanksgiving to the Lord.
People: With music, and with voice, let us praise God’s name!
Leader: Let’s sing for JOY!
People: We honor God with our worship.
Leader: High praise be in our throats, calling out,
People: “Glory for all God’s faithful ones”, as we praise our Maker!
Opening Prayer
O, God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,
We gather today, both mindful of the great cloud of witnesses who served you throughout their lives, and eager to recognize you as Provider of Life beyond life.
As we worship, wrap us close in your presence.
Help us bear witness to your love which 2) all the world.
Let memory draw us close to those whose earthly lives have come to an end, and steadfast hope lead us to cnfidence in our remaining days, AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
In Ephesians 1, believers are reminded we
1) are adopted as God’s children
2) are given forgiveness and redemption through Christ
3) are marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit.
What an inheritance we’ve received!
We also have a history of receiving financial inheritances from those who have loved this church over our history. As we celebrate All Saint’s Day, we remember these who have provided an inheritance for the on-going witness of this church. (You might name 3 or 4 specific names, especially if they would be remembered by many, or if their gifts are events/spaces/rooms named for them.)
While weekly, monthly and annual financial gifts are necessary, the financial gifts offered by earlier saints provide examples of ways we, too, might provide an inheritance for this fellowship. (If you have a flier in the bulletin or a slide on the screen with information about how to create such a gift, call attention to it now.)
Know this community of faith will celebrate your decision!
For each gift, given today, or planned for years from now, we are grateful.
Let us joyfully offer our gifts.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Loving God, thank you for the inheritance you provide for each of us.
We ask you to accept these gifts of gratitude. Help us use them wisely and well to extend your Realm on earth. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
(consider using CH#649, “Give Thanks for Life” as a communion hymn. While not explicitly focused on communion, it uses language of “thanks”, provides images of light from Christ, and wheat as a sign of resurrection)
Around this table, we’ve come to break bread, to drink from the cup, to remember – and to anticipate.
Like a diamond, this ritual includes a multitude of facets. Today, we focus on thanksgiving and memory.
With memory, we call to this present moment the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
With thanksgiving, we share simple sips of juice and morsels of bread as signs/emblems of Jesus blood and body.
But with eyes of memory, we also see and call to mind loved ones no longer present, who shared bread in the past around this very table (perhaps invite people to name one or more – aloud or in silence –).
And with an attitude of gratitude, we give thanks that this meal is a rehearsal for the banquet to which Jesus invites all.
So let us feast!