Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
As we enter the season of Thanksgiving and the end of both the church and calendar years, would you consider making a gift to the Center for Faith and Giving for our ability to continue to provide you with these worship resources in the coming year? We are grateful for your generosity.
Psalm 118
II Thessalonians 3:6-13
Luke 21:5-19
Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 118)
Leader: This is the day that the Lord has made!
People: Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
ave People: for God’s steadfast love endures forever!
Leader: The Lord is God, who gives us light.
People: Let’s say “thank you” to God, whose steadfast love is forever.
Opening Prayer
Holy God, Lord of all life,
We do say “thank you” to you for the gift of this day.
For all who are gathered in this place, and all now connected virtually,
we give you thanks.
We come to share our cares and distress, for with you on our side,
we have no need to fear.
We come to take refuge in you, loving Lord.
You are our God, and we worship you, with grateful hearts! AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (inspired by II Thessalonians 3)
In II Thessalonians, the readers are counseled to imitate Paul, working to provide their own “keep”, rather than being idle busybodies.
For many in American society, however, the temptation is to become exhausted by our work (whether that is employment, care of children or elders, home-making), leading us to weariness.
Wherever you might be on this spectrum (idle busybody to weary/exhausted/short-tempered), we’re all instructed to “do what is right”.
Coming to this time of offering provides one opportunity to do just that. Here we have a weekly encouragement to give our time, talent and treasure.
In one congregation, a group of senior men (all retired) came together as the “Fix and Fix-it” team. Each Tuesday morning, they’d choose one repair task around the church, and enjoy fellowship as they worked together to paint a room, repair some electrical outlets, prepare the outside for winter. No idleness danger for them!
What about for you? How can you labor for the Lord this week?
Share from your financial assets? Yes! (by cash, check, on-line giving)
Offer time for outreach or maintenance? Yes! (send us a message at -___)
Give of your musical talent, your cooking talent, your teaching talent? Yes!
(write your offer and drop it in the offering plate or speak to __________)
This is no time to be weary, but a time to breathe in the joy of the Lord!
With a joyful heart, let us receive our morning offering.
(if you have a screen, or an enthusiastic soloist or small group,
you might use this as your offering music:
“The Joy of the Lord” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WghFuIWPnCc)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Ever-Giving God, you do not grow weary (Is. 40:28).
We ask you to receive these gifts, symbols of our lives. Thank you for helping us offer our gifts with joy-full hearts, never growing weary in our work. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus speaks to his disciples about the days which are to come. They immediately want to know the specifics: When? What will be the signs?
Many of us thrive when we know exactly what is coming and when to expect it. Yet, as people of faith, we also recognize we do not know the specifics of God’s timing or intention. What we CAN do, is “be prepared”.
Just as athletic teams, and Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts, practice skills to develop stamina and expertise, so Christians are invited to practice the basics (pray, worship, study, act in love…) and stay fit by sharing this feast of thanksgiving and remembrance.
Today, this time at Christ’s table is our time for nourishment and nurture, anticipating a time when the foundations may tremble and God’s Realm may break in.
Clearly, we don’t know “when” or “what the signs will be”. We DO know stretching our love muscles, practicing compassion, and remembering Jesus’ life, death and resurrection will help prepare us for whatever’s ahead.
So come to this training table. Find here the elements which will nourish and nurture you: bread, juice, and Jesus as our host.