June 11, 2023

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Pentecost +2 (Proper 5a)

Genesis 12:1-9 

Psalm 33:1-12 

Romans 4:13-25

Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26

Call to Worship  (adapted from Psalm 33)

One:  With morning voices and open hearts,
           we come to rejoice in the Lord!
Many:  Because God’s steadfast love fills the earth,
One:  because by God’s word
            the heavens, the seas, and the earth were formed,
Many:  we stand in awe before God!
One:  Happy is the land whose God is the Lord,
Many:  happy are WE, chosen to be God’s own heritage!

Opening Prayer 

Holy Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer,
Your work is done in faithfulness. The earth is full of your steadfast love.
Thank you for your presence among us, not only in this sanctuary, but in every moment of our lives.
We celebrate the ways you challenge us. 
Thank you for standing securely in our midst even when we face those challenges.
Hear us today as we find our joy in offering you our praise and our worship,
for you are the One God in whom we live and move and have our being. AMEN

Moment for Stewardship  (in response to Matthew 9:18-26)

Matthew’s Gospel reports Jesus to be a healer, including the two intertwined reports in Matthew 9.  A father pleads for Jesus to come restore his daughter to life, and a woman, long-suffering, reaches out to simply touch his robe.  In a moment, Jesus gave full life back to the girl, and renewed life back to the “unclean” woman.

Some of us have known Jesus’ life-giving touch – reaching us in the depths of depression, addiction, incarceration.  Some of us remember receiving new life when we were sunk in grief or silenced by trauma.

Friends, together we can affirm there is POWER in the presence of the Holy! 

Our offerings help provide one means by which this congregation becomes the hands and feet of Jesus, for individuals and for communities.  From gratitude for your own experience, and/or from confidence in what this congregation could do with common funds, let us share our financial gifts!

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Merciful God, your steadfast love never dies.  Thank you for the scriptures which help us know of Jesus’ acts of mercy and love.  Thank you for our own experiences of receiving new life. 

Now, please receive these financial gifts.  Help us use them wisely and fully, allowing others to experience acts of mercy and love curated by this congregation in your name.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion 

The child restored to life from death, the woman no longer isolated and in pain…these two and so many others responded to the touch of Jesus.  Today we don’t have the option of seeking out the physical presence of Jesus, but we do know the joy of coming to his table.  Week by week, all are welcome to find our place at the feast which will feed and restore us. 

For in these gifts of bread and juice, we re-member.  We bring to this present moment the reality of Jesus, the Christ.  We call to mind the love he holds for all God’s beloved.  We picture the beloved community God desires, where hatred has no place, and anger is no more.

Here!  Come to this table.  As we share these gifts, give thanks for the wonder of LIFE which comes by the touch of that hand.

(Consider using CH #564, “He Touched Me” as communion music)