Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Pentecost +7
Call to Worship (adapted from Ps. 48)
One: Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised!
Many: God’s steadfast love reaches to the ends of the earth.
One: God’s judgements lead us to joy.
Many: We’ll rejoice, and tell the next generation “this is our God!”
One: This God will be our guide forever.
Many: So let’s worship the Lord our God with songs of praise!
(let your opening song/hymn be joyful and upbeat!)
Opening Prayer
Holy God, we get so wrapped up in our cares and concerns, it’s difficult to
slow down enough to focus just on you. Help us in this hour remember your
many gifts to us. Encourage us to speak our gratitude both to you and to
one another. Challenge us to proclaim our love with our words and our actions in this hour and throughout our week ahead. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
Early in Mark’s Gospel Jesus has chosen his disciples (“the twelve”), and sends them out with authority over the unclean spirits. His instructions help the disciples know they will not always be welcomed, but they have a mission to preach for repentance, to cast out the unclean spirits, and heal those who are ill.
As disciples of Jesus today, we’ve been given opportunity to help teach, preach and provide a means of healing through the ministries of this congregation and the work of the larger Church. Your financial support makes possible the ___________(name one or two ministries of your congregation: tutoring? Food bank? Paying down medical debt?).
As we receive our morning offering, know we have a mission in connection to Jesus. Each one’s gifts are important to move us ahead in building up the
Realm of God on earth, as it is in heaven.
So let’s share our gifts with joyful hearts.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of all good gifts, thank you for the ways we learn from Jesus and the first disciples. Thank you for this opportunity to help each of us know our gifts are important; they count toward the big work of this congregation and
the big work of moving us closer to God’s Realm on earth.
Accept this offering, and help us use it wisely for the work which is ours to accomplish. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
There is an African proverb which I think originated in Burkina Faso:
“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.”
I can imagine so many situations when this proverb would encourage people to come together to accomplish a project, or to find stamina for the long haul.
Today, as we come to our time of communion, we recognize the importance of joining together for the long journey of discipleship. This is like a college athletic team’s training table: here is what we need for the work which is ours.
Bread, created from many grains of wheat bound together in one loaf.
Juice, coming from many grapes, creating a sip for each of us.
We each touch and taste; we, together, are nourished for our work as disciples of Jesus Christ.
So come! Share in this simple meal, knowing this food and drink binds us together providing strength for the long haul.