Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
The Center for Faith and Giving will undergo a change in leadership this August as Bruce Barkhauer retires after over 14 years of leading the work of generosity for the Disciples of Christ. You can learn more about our new director, Melissa St Clair here. If you are interested in making a gift to the Fund for Generosity in honor of Bruce’s ministry, you can learn about it here.
As always, you can support the work of this ministry by following this link: donate
Pentecost +9
1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49
Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 9)One: We turn our hearts and minds to the Lord our God.
Many: We put our trust in the One who hears our cries,
and does not forsake us.
One: Come! Let’s sing our praise to God.
Many: (solo, choir or congregation:
sing verse 1 of CH #23, “Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven”)
OR: Praise God for favor shown to all who are oppressed.
One: Our God remembers the needy and the poor find hope in God!
Many: (solo, choir or congregation: sing verse 2 of CH #23)
OR: God shows steadfast love forever,
Glorious is God’s faithfulness!
Opening Prayer
Alleluia! God, you are faithful. You raise us up.
Thank you for your compassion and your care.
We celebrate the ways you deliver your people, even in the face of
In this hour, tune our hearts to sing your praise.
Help us focus on all the blessings of our lives which you provide.
Encourage us as we worship to give you whole-hearted thanks!
Hear us, even as you heard the prayer of Jesus, who we know as your beloved Son, the Christ. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (in response to 2 Corinthians 6)
Paul, writing to the Christians in Corinth, describes in great detail how he and his companions have engaged in ministry despite the hurdles they needed to overcome.
How are we engaging in ministry in our own community, in 2024?
Are you, are WE, engaging every day with patience, kindness, genuine love and truthful speech? Can we honestly declare and defend our work as servants of God?
We can demonstrate our own desire to join with Paul as loving followers of Jesus as we share our morning offering. Will you let your financial contribution be one signal of your desire to fully engage in ministry? When you give a significant gift (meaning a portion, not a pittance; a tithe, not a token), you show your connection to those who endured much to share the Gospel.
With a wide-open heart Paul appeals to the Corinthians to respond to his letter by opening their own hearts.
Today, I do the same. Friends, let’s share our gifts, helping us open wide our own hearts to the love of God we know in Jesus Christ.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
With deep gratitude, God, we offer these gifts to you. We’re grateful for the many people of faith who have gone before us: Paul, Lydia, Peter, Mary…
and ____, _________, and ________ from our own congregation.
Help us use each gift to extend your Realm here on earth, sharing Good News with those who yearn to live in loving relationship with you, with others in this community, and with the wider world. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Can you remember a time when you had worked hard through a long day, or a long season, and finally come to a time to sit down, take in a deep breath, and enjoy a favorite meal?
Sometimes we’re like that when we come to this table — when the challenges of our day or week or season have taken their toll on our minds, our bodies or our hearts.
Sometimes, for no particular reason, we find ourselves famished! Can you remember a time when you could hear your stomach growling, and you almost felt faint from hunger?
Sometimes, we simply want a moment of respite, when we can focus on God’s love.
However you find yourself this morning, these elements of bread and juice are prepared for you. In these gifts may we find rest for our bodies, nourishment for our spirits, peace for our hearts.
You are welcome to share in this meal as we remember Jesus and those who have followed him over the centuries.
Come, for the bread is broken, the juice is poured, and there is a place for each and for all.