As I enter into retirement this weekend, I give thanks to the church for the privilege to serve as the Minister for Faith and Giving for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the opportunity it has provided me to connect with congregations like yours over the last 14+ years. I especially want to thank Rick Hamilton, Linda McKiernan Allen, and Kory Wilcoxson for writing these resources that have sought to tie stewardship themes to the weekly lectionary readings. Melissa St Clair ( will take the helm from here and I know you will appreciate her gifts and leadership as this ministry begins its next iteration.
My your life be filled with generosity – Bruce Barkhauer
Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Pentecost +14
Call to Worship (adapted from Ps. 111)
One: Praise the Lord!
Many: We’ve gathered to give whole-hearted thanks to God.
One: Why give thanks?
Many: We give thanks because God is gracious and merciful!
One: We come to honor God, whose works are faithful and just.
Many: Let’s continue to praise the Lord from now until the end of time!
Opening Prayer (inspired by Ephesians 5)
Holy Creator,
When we remember all the wonders you’ve made, and the daily gifts you give each of us, we’re eager to say “thank you!”
Today we rejoice, seeking to make the most of the time we’ve been given.
Fill our minds and hearts with your Spirit once more, so as we sing and pray, as we listen and learn, it all becomes an offering of praise to you, in the name of Jesus, whom we claim as the Christ. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
Ephesians sounds as though it could have been written just last year.
Did you hear (if this text has been read…otherwise, just quote this line)
these directions for life?
“Be careful how you live!”
That is, “Pay attention!”
Pay attention to what God wants for all of us!
Pay attention to the song in your hearts,
Pay attention to the ways you give thanks to God,
in the name of Jesus Christ.
Today, we gather to sing, and to show our attitude of gratitude to God
through the act of giving from our hearts. We invite you to share your
time, your talent and your finances…all showing your spirit of thanksgiving,
as you pay attention to what you’ve received.
Please give in the ways that work best for you: on-line, with a check or cash, or sending your check thru’ the mail to the church office.
And give thanks!
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Holy God, we do give you thanks for all we have received from your hand:
For the goodness of air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, land on which we live…for the love of friends and family…for the safety of this space…
for the opportunities we have to reach out to those who are in need,
Accept this offering as one response to your generosity.
Strengthen our resolve to live in your Spirit, with gratitude.
Help us use all your gifts to shape our congregation and our community
more like the way we believe your Realm exists –
with love, peace, and justice for all. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
Do you know the word “hangry”?
It describes the anger which bubbles up in me, and in many, when we’re really hungry.
When I’m hangry, I snap at the people I love.
When I’m hangry, the smallest mistake can turn me into a rabid wolf.
When I’m hangry, my emotions erupt with unreasonable energy,
sometimes leaving me feeling like a mountain
which has erupted with volcanic force.
I wonder if that happens when we’ve not shared THIS meal for too long?
I wonder if this meal is the best response for people who are hangry,
and blast others over the smallest error?
I wonder if this meal can be the antidote for any and all who are hangry?
You are welcome at this meal.
Know this; there is enough for all:
bread and juice, symbols of Jesus the Christ.
When we’ve shared these emblems, we surely will recognize how our lives,
and the lives of all who participate here, no longer are hangry, but more clearly align with a Spirit-filled life.