September 1, 2024

Worship Resources for 
the Center for Faith and Giving

Pentecost +15

Song of Solomon 2:8-13 

Psalm 45:1-2, 6-9 

James 1:17-27

Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Call to Worship 

One:  Come, all who yearn to be true followers of Jesus, the Christ.
Many:  We’re gathered to worship, to learn, and to offer our lives 
                  as disciples of God’s Beloved.
One:  Today we’re eager to grow in faith and be strengthened for life.
Many:  We want to be like Jesus’ first followers, growing in understanding.
One:  So let us worship the Lord God, who sent Jesus to teach us “the Way”.
Many:  With joy, we come, eager to praise the One who loved us first. 

Opening Prayer 

Loving Creator,

Hold us close in this time of worship, that we might offer you the best of our lives, and receive your gifts of compassion, conviction and communion.  Help us eagerly grow in faith and in determination to be not just hearers, but DOERS of the Word as Jesus taught.  AMEN

Moment for Stewardship (inspired by James 1)

In the little book of James we read “Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights…” 

Every time we offer a gift, we’re responding to what God has first given to us.  We share our time, our talent and our financial support to strengthen the ministries of this congregation.  James reminds us each gift we present first came to us from the gracious hand of our Creator.

With gratitude, then, let us share generously!

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Holy God, you pour out your gifts upon us.  Thank you!  Gracias!  Takk!
Please receive what we’ve offered, and help us utilize each gift to its fullest as we work to build up your Realm on earth.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion 

Jesus, teaching his disciples, points out the difference between things that go INTO a person (food and drink) and things that come OUT of a person.
He’s clear what goes in doesn’t define a person – it provides nourishment and the rest goes into the sewer.  Rather, it’s what comes from the heart that can be totally destructive.

Today, each of us and all of us are invited to share in the gifts of bread and cup.  Rather than accepting this as a feast, or even a meal, in light of Mark 7, I invite you to consider this as medicine.  

Imagine these tiny sips of juice and small pieces of bread to be inoculations, ready to enter us and hold the evil at bay.  

Or consider these elements to be like a nerve blocker, making possible a blockade of the evils listed, including immorality, envy, slander, pride and deceit.

You are invited to touch, taste and imagine this communion as a way to put the power of Jesus Christ to work in your own body. 

Come, for the Great Physician offers whole, healthy, holy life!