Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Pentecost +16
Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 125)
One: We’ve come together to praise God
as people who trust in God’s goodness.
Many: As God’s beloved children, we put our trust in the Lord.
One: God surrounds us, as the mountains surround Jerusalem.
Many: Encircled by the Holy One, we pray God will do good for us.
One: Today, let’s celebrate with whole hearts,
rejoicing in God’s steadfast love.
Many: Yes! Thanks be to God for all the ways we’re encircled by
our Creator, our Redeemer, our Sustainer.
Opening Prayer
From the depths of our hearts we reach out to you, God.
We offer you our worship, for you are worthy of praise!
Thank you for each one present, for each one tuning in,
for all who seek to connect with you in this hour.
Open the eyes of our hearts, God,
that we might see you more clearly,
and love you more dearly, day by day. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (inspired by Mark 7:24-37)
In the scripture reading from Mark 7 we heard reports of the healing Jesus accomplished in Tyre and the Decapolis.
Both in the recovery of the child, and the healing of the man who was deaf and had a speech impediment we hear of Jesus giving new and different lives to the girl and to the man. His healing gift surely affected those directly healed, but also their families and communities as they were freed to engage more fully.
As followers of Jesus, we, too, have opportunity to share our gifts with those around us.
In this congregation we have some who ___________________
(name one or two ways people engage in your tutoring, food pantry, meals for unhoused…).
In this congregation, we have others who _________________________
(name your outreach to the nursing home, your care group leaders, your program planners)
What are the gifts you bring today? How can you offer support and engagement?
Your financial gifts are one important way to provide life-enhancing and life-changing moments as we help expand the Body of Christ in (your town).
With joyful hearts, standing with Jesus, let us offer our gifts in this time of offering.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Giver of all good gifts,
Thank you for the ways you’ve equipped each one of us with gifts we can share. Open our hearts, our wallets, and our calendars, so we might freely offer our individual and congregational gifts to a world yearning for release from “unclean spirits”, physical challenges and scarcity. Renew in us our desire to be generous followers of Jesus, the Christ. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
As we turn our hearts and minds from summer into a new season, and as we look toward the beginning of fall classes, activities and congregational life, how grateful I am for the opportunity to be “fueled up” with a meal from this table.
Just as many of us seek the highest protein drinks, the healthiest nutritious meals, and the vitamins which fire up our bodies, in the life of faith we seek a meal which will more directly connect us to Jesus.
At this table we’re given the opportunity to see, touch, and taste the bread and juice; symbols of Jesus’ body and blood.
So today, take a moment to pay attention!
Hold the bread, and taste it.
See the deep purple.
Taste the sweetness and the tartness of the juice.
And as you take into your body what will nurture your connection to the One we claim as Lord of our lives, be fueled up for more fully following as a disciple of Jesus Christ.