September 29, 2024

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Pentecost +19

Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22

Psalm 124

James 5:13-20

Mark 9:38-50

Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 124) 

One:  We’ve come together to praise God!
Many: In our own lives we know “our help is in the name of the Lord”.
One:  We could have been swallowed up in the face of tough decisions.
           We might have given up while seeking release from addiction. 
Many:  But today we claim: In the face of enemies threatening,
            the pain of mental illness
            and the grief of broken relationships,
One:  our help is in the name of the Lord!
Many: Today, we rejoice!
          Over and over we find “the Lord is on our side”!
All:   Blessed be the Lord our God, this day and forever more.

Opening Prayer 

Mighty God,
We’re focused on you as we offer our praise. 
May this time allow us to strengthen our faith,
  leaning ever more on the new life you’ve given us thru’ Jesus, the Christ.
When sorrow surrounds us, and sea billows roll, hold us close.

Grant us the confidence of the Psalmist, singing out:
“our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth”.  AMEN

Moment for Stewardship  (in response to Mark 9:38-41)

For some long-time members of any congregation it’s difficult to truly appreciate what some in other congregations…or some who are brand new in this congregation…see as the best way to be a witness for Jesus.

The first disciples came to Jesus one day, complaining about someone who was casting out demons in Jesus’ name but not as a member of Jesus’ “guys”.  How can that be?!

Jesus tried to help clarify:  someone doing a “deed of power” (like sending the demons away) is to be appreciated, accepted and allowed to act!  Jesus was not intimidated.  Rather, he assured his followers “whoever is not against us is for us”.

Clearly, Jesus was more concerned about good happening than he was about having people in lock-step with himself or his immediate followers.

Might we expand our ministries by partnering with others eager to engage, even if they’re not exactly like us?  How might we become stronger disciples by linking up with others eager to _____________ (name a specific outreach/ministry of your congregation, i.e. “broaden our food pantry”,  “partnering with our neighborhood churches for a back-to-school event”, “opening our doors to the neighborhood housing corporation”…)

As we share our financial tithes, gifts and offerings today, may we also seek ways to build up the community of faith with others who also bear the name of Christ 

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Gracious God,

We often find we’re happy in our own little world, and challenged when we recognize there are others around us who also seek to serve you, but have a different slant on how that can best be done. 

We thank you for the gifts which have been given here today, and for the gifts available through other people of faith who have different or distinct ways of living out their faith.  Open us up to a broader imagination of how we can follow Jesus in ways which are different from those we’ve known for years, or decades, or over our whole lives.  Renew in us an appreciation for what we know and do…and for what others do to serve Christ, as well.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion 

When Jesus’ disciples tried to get Jesus to send away the one casting out demons, Jesus once more turned the tables on his followers! 

Here we’re reminded this table is not a table just for “us” –
those who belong to this congregation,
those who have been here the longest,
those who are third, fourth or fifth generation in this place.

Rather, all are welcome here. 
That includes folks who may speak a different language,
those who wear different clothes,
whose who identify themselves with pronouns
    which don’t trip easily off our tongues.

All who bear the name of Christ are invited to share in these gifts of bread and cup, remembering how Jesus offered food in the upper room to Peter, Andrew, James, John…and to Judas, as well.

Come!  The feast is prepared and there is a place for you.