Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Pentecost +21
Call to Worship (inspired by Hebrews 4)
One: Today’s the day to approach God’s throne of grace with BOLDNESS!
Many: We may hide from others, or even from ourselves, but we cannot hide from the One who created us.
One: Yet we do not stand alone before our Creator.
Many: Jesus stands with us – God’s beloved, the Christ.
One: Through Jesus, the Christ, who was tested as we are, we find mercy and grace in our time of need.
Many: Trusting in Jesus, the Christ, as our advocate, we come praise God!
Opening Prayer
Holy God, you sent Jesus to stand among your human creatures,
and raised him from death to life as the first fruits of your full love.
We trust in him as our Messiah and our advocate before you.
Thank you for this time to learn more of Jesus and of you,
Thank you that today we are gathered to offer you our praise,
to present our gifts
and to share in a eucharist (or “thanksgiving feast”) of bread and cup.
Open us in this hour to fully acknowledge both our brokenness and
our desire to live boldly as your redeemed children. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (inspired by Mark 10:17-31)
The text from Mark 10 is a huge challenge to Christians of the first world (meaning most of us in this room)!
A wealthy man wanted to know how to inherit eternal life, and was shocked with Jesus’ response:
“Go sell what you have and give to the poor, you’ll have treasure in heaven, then come and follow me.”
We might ask the same question. While many of us may not think of ourselves as rich, when we compare our lives to others in the world, we find Americans hold the second highest per capita income in the world!
What shall we do?
No one answer works for everyone.
No one answer works for any of us through our whole lives.
Yet, we hear Peter’s question “Then who can be saved?”
and Jesus’ response: “For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible.”
Gratefully, Mark 10 continues with Jesus’ words to Peter…those who’ve given up will receive much back, AND eternal life.
Let’s let our gratitude for Jesus’ teaching show in the gifts we offer today.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Merciful God,
We offer you these gifts, bringing a portion of what we have.
It’s often hard to recognize how rich we are, even knowing we are among the most privileged of the world’s people.
Help us grow in awareness and in our willingness to truly offer the first fruits of our lives to the Body of Christ we know as the church.
Accept what we bring, and encourage us to use these gifts wisely and fully to help birth your realm on earth as it is in heaven. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
As we step into autumn, with leaves changing color and temperatures in the northern hemisphere getting cooler, many of us
begin to think about meals which will nourish, nurture and comfort.
This table holds the elements of a meal which will do all that, and more.
With these gifts of bread and juice, we’re nourished in spirit.
With the remembrance of Jesus with his disciples, and our identification as contemporary disciples, we’re nurtured.
With the opportunity to share this meal with other people who join us in this one part of Jesus’ body in 2024, we’re comforted.
So prepare your minds, hearts and spirits to join in all the gifts this meal offers.
Remember Jesus.
Remember we are followers of Jesus.
Remember we are all members of the covenant community we know as the Church.
Then receive this bread and cup, take them into your body, and give thanks for all they symbolize.