Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Pentecost +23
Psalm 34:1-8, (19-22)
Hebrews 7:23-28
Mark 10:46-52
Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 34)
One: Friends, we’re gathered to bless the Lord!
Many: Praise God! Let glad shouts of blessing open this hour.
One: The Lord answers us in our time of need,
and will deliver us from our fears.
Many: From home and work, from school and play,
in good times and tough times, we will bless God.
One: Happy are those who take refuge in the Lord.
Many: God’s praises will continuously fill our mouths!
Opening Prayer
Mighty God, from scripture and story, from the witness of those who have gone before us, we know you are worthy of our praise! Thank you for your presence in this place, and for the love which binds us to you and to one another as followers of Jesus, the Christ. Open our eyes, open our hearts, open our minds, that we might fully commit ourselves to be disciples of Christ – followers of the Way of Love. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
Today we’ve heard a story of Jesus healing a man who is blind. Looking deeply, we understand this son of Timaeus was physically blind, but had a clear vision of what he wanted from Jesus. He cried out boldly, first asking for mercy and then responding directly to Jesus’ question.
Many of us can see with our eyes – we are not physically blind – yet we’re spiritually blind! We’re either unable to perceive the presence of God all around us and in us, or we’re unwilling to respond to God-with-us; or both.
Perhaps it’s time for action! As we come to this time of sharing our resources and our lives, imagine: each one of us gladly springing up, leaving behind the comfort of our “blankie” (like the warmth or security of Bartimaeus’ cloak) and moving out to follow Jesus on the Way!
In this moment, will you let your financial offering be a first step?
Will you offer your money and your heart?
Will you receive the vision Jesus offers, and respond in full faith?
Let us receive our morning offering!
(If possible, have your musicians sing Paul Baloche’s “Open the Eyes of My Heart,” or use the YouTube video of Michael W. Smith singing that song. If that doesn’t work, have the congregation sing verse 1, Chalice Hymnal #586, “Open My Eyes, That I May See.”)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
We bring these gifts to you, Holy God, with cheerfulness and joyful hearts.
Receive them from our open eyes, open hearts and open hands.
Use these gifts and use us to expand your work here and around the world.
The Psalmist cries out, “Taste and see that the Lord is good!”
And Bartimaeus cries out, “I want to see again!”
When we come to this table, we’re invited to be like the Psalmist and like Bartimaeus. There is a place for each one who will “taste and see.”
In these gifts of bread and cup, we taste the joy and sorrow of the Upper Room. In this loaf and with this juice, we see the wonder of “one bread, one body, one Lord of all.” In this company of companions on the journey, we are not alone.
Come, eager to follow Jesus on the way of discipleship. Joining with others, nourished by this meal, may our faith make us well.
(Use Chalice Hymnal #393 “One Bread, One Body” as your communion hymn.)