November 17, 2024

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Pentecost +26

1 Samuel 1:4-20 

 Psalm 113

Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18), 19-25

Mark 13:1-8

Call to Worship 
(inspired by Psalm 113)
One:  We’ve come to worship the Lord, our God.
Many:  Blessed is the name of the Lord, now and forever!
One:  Who is like the Lord?
Many:  God raises the poor from the dust.
One: Praise God, who works for all with love and compassion!

Opening Prayer 

Holy God, we rejoice in your presence within us, and within the world around us.  Thank you for the ways you work to bring justice, care and compassion to all your beloved children. 

Today we turn our hearts and minds to you, eager to grow as followers of Jesus.  Help each of us use our unique abilities to lift up those who struggle each day for food, shelter or clothing. 
Build us up in this hour. Nourish us with bread and cup. 
Then send us out to share your Good News from our hearts and our hands. AMEN

Moment for Stewardship (inspired by Hebrews 10:19-25)

In the letter to the Hebrews we read how the death of Jesus gives us assurance that our own lives are built up by faith, hope and love.

Coming together for worship allows us to encourage each other to good deeds.  Here we have opportunity to share our passion and enthusiasm for the work to which we are called.

Today, let me describe one way this congregation acts out our faith.
(describe one mission/outreach ministry, hopefully with a strong story of
how a life has been strengthened because of what this congregation does.)

OR, if you don’t have a particular ministry you can lift up from your congregation, speak for a minute of a ministry of the larger Church (your region, area, or a collection of congregations in your community).
This might be your appeal for a special Thanksgiving offering.

Your financial gifts, your time, and your “good talk” about this ministry all work to strengthen the witness we make as disciples of Jesus, the Christ.

Let your energy, your financial support and your positivity come together today to build up not only this ministry, but also all the people who are impacted by the work which goes on week after week!

With confidence, let us offer our gifts, knowing they support not only this particular piece, but also the work of the whole Church.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Giver of all good gifts, thank you for this opportunity for each one of us to offer back a portion of what you give to us.  Help us find ways to faithfully give from our resources as a sign of our faith, our hope and our love.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion 

We come to this Table week by week, aware of so many facets which are present. 
For some, this is nourishment for our hungry hearts.
For some, this bread and this cup link us to the body and blood of Jesus, offered for all who claim him as Savior.
For some, we recognize our shared meal as a sign of the ways we are bound to one another and to God through the remembrance of Jesus.

Our hymn reminds us “all around us is our food.”

So come!  The table is prepared, and you are invited to share these gifts.
“Taste and see the grace eternal.
  Taste and see that God is good!”

(use CH# 419  “All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly” as your communion hymn)