Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Advent III
This is the third Sunday of Advent, marking the half-way point between Advent 1 and Christmas. Traditionally this is the day the pink candle is lit on the Advent wreath. When Advent was a penitential season, this lightening of color allowed church members to lessen their fasting. Some also link this pink to the Philippians lectionary text, calling it “gaudete” or “rejoice” Sunday.
Call to Worship (adapted from Philippians 4)
One: Rejoice in the Lord always!
Many: The Lord is near,
so we come together to let our requests be made known to God.
One: From our minds and hearts, we pray for peace.
Many: May the peace of God guard our hearts and guide our action!
One: We give thanks for all God’s good gifts to us and to all.
Many: Today and all days, we rejoice in the Lord!
Opening Prayer
Mighty God,
in the face of challenges and difficulties, we turn to you.
In the midst of great joy and deep appreciation, we turn to you.
In this season of anticipation, we eagerly watch and actively wait for the gift of Jesus.
Renew in us the ability to focus on you in these days which get so hectic.
For some, we’re finishing the semester, for many, we’re wrapping up the calendar year, and for others, we anticipate a time of vacation.
In the midst of it all, help us breathe deeply, slow our pace, and hear your still, small voice. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (in response to Luke 3:7-18)
John the Baptist (as we know him) had not gotten the message about this being “Rejoice” Sunday. In Luke 3, John’s pointed preaching pushed hard against those who believed their connection to Abraham would provide a safe route around the mayhem which was coming.
Those who were in the crowd wanted John to answer their question:
“What should we do?”
John’s instructions are clear! Share from your abundance!
Give your second coat to someone without a coat.
Feed the hungry.
Two thousand years later, we still ask: “What should we do?”
And the answer continues to ring out.
Share from your abundance!
Do you have more than one coat?
Do you have more food than you can possibly eat?
Friends, when we DO THIS, then it’s time to rejoice!
Let us share our financial support, AND
let us share from our abundance to encourage those who are without.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of all good gifts, thank you for this opportunity to respond to the teaching of John. Thank you for these gifts, filling the offering trays today. May we now be eager to respond to the needs of those around us. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
December often includes special meals with friends and/or family
when we’re surrounded by red and green.
For many of us, this month means feasting at meals and an ever-present array of snacks.
However, each Sunday we come to this table, clad in (purple/blue).
This table includes only tiny pieces of bread and thimbles full of juice (or “one single loaf and one chalice). Yet this table, too, is a FEAST.
For in these symbols, we are both reminded and eagerly anticipating.
Reminded of Jesus in an upper room,
gathered with friends, preparing for a difficult and dangerous time;
anticipating Jesus at a banquet table,
with a place for every beloved child of God; every neighbor, every foe.
So in this present moment, looking both back and ahead, I invite you to take a moment to drink in the beauty, the simplicity, the fullness…the JOY.
All are welcome! Come…with joy.
(Use “I Come with Joy”, CH #420 as your hymn.)