December 22, 2024

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Advent IV

Micah 5:2-5a

Psalm 80:1-7

Hebrews 10:5-10

Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)

Traditionally, this is the day the final purple or blue candle is lit on the Advent wreath.

Call to Worship  (in response to Micah 5:2-5a)
One:  We’re SO close!  We eagerly wait for the birth of one
             who will stand and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord.
Many: We’ve come today to remind ourselves of the one who is coming,
              even in the midst of all the parties and presents.
One:  For the gift of this child, the one of peace,
               is for ALL to live lives of security.
Many:  With destruction, war and pain all around, we plead “Come!”
One:  Come!  For this is the one of peace.
Many: Come, Holy One of Peace!

Opening Prayer 

On this almost-but-not-quite-there morning, God,
we’ve come to give you thanks for Mary, who carried Jesus to his birth.
We’ve come to thank you for our tangible anticipation of the Coming One,
   who became Love embodied.
In this hour, renew in us strong hope which brings us peace
    because of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ.  AMEN

Moment for Stewardship 

Christmas is a time for giving gifts, even for people who have no recognition of the Biblical story of Mary, Elizabeth, or the baby Jesus. For us, however, who steadfastly try to place a crèche in front of all the candy canes, carefully wrapped packages and the blare of Hallmark movies, Christmas helps us recognize the remarkable gift of the infant who grew to become the Christ.

It’s in response to that gift that we share gifts. 
With an effort, we’re able to reach beyond those with whom we live, work, or travel. 
Together, we’re able to share gifts with ________________
(list several of the ways your congregation shares gifts in this season; including outreach to children, families or other congregations,
and the special day Christmas offering for Disciples in support of our own regional office and staff).

We gladly give, remembering we are the hands and feet of Jesus for others.

With joy, let us share our morning tithes, offerings and gifts.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

On this Sunday closest to Christmas Day, we offer these gifts to you, Generous God. Thank you for the ways you continue to provide for us and for all your beloved creatures. Encourage each of us to follow the pattern of constant and consistent giving that you’ve set. May we practice generosity so “when the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone…the work of Christmas” (from Howard Thurman) continues on!  AMEN

Invitation to Communion 

For many of us the combination of cooler weather and the presence of so many festive foods appearing from Thanksgiving thru’ to New Year’s Day leads us to feel like bears preparing for hibernation!

Yet each week throughout the year we’re invited to share in a feast of remembrance which lures us to celebrate with a thimble full of grape juice and a tiny square of bread.

This feast calls us to strengthen the bonds between then and now,
                                           between there and here,
                         between a traveling Jewish teacher and each of us who
                               seek to follow him.
When we come to this table, our remembering includes
an infant born in a stable, then forced to flee under the threat of death,
a child who found his identity in the Temple,
a man, baptized in the Jordan River, tempted in the wilderness,
  calling his followers, teaching of God’s love, curing those who were ill,
  then arrested, convicted, and crucified.
We remember the empty tomb,
   and the women who recognized the resurrected Jesus as Lord.

Today, come to share in this feast as we are fed to fullness with the
wonder of this One who invites each of us to “take, eat and remember me”.


As you go out into the world these short days before Christmas,
rejoice in the Lord, for God has done and is doing marvelous things! 

God works with people like Mary and Elizabeth and us to do these marvelous things. 

Go in peace,
because just as God was with Mary and Elizabeth,
God is with each of us today and every day.