December 29, 2024

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

First Sunday after Christmas

1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26

Psalm 148

Colossians 3:12-17

Luke 2:41-52

In some congregations this Sunday’s worship focuses on singing Christmas carols and telling the stories behind them.  With a variety of voices, a story could be told, then a carol sung, allowing many familiar (or not-so-familiar) pieces to be included in one service.

Check the side bars in Chalice Hymnal Worship Leader’s Companion , for the Advent hymns (#119-142) and the birth hymns (#143-171), or read one short introduction to a few carols at:

Call to Worship (responding to Psalm 148)
One: Come praise the Lord!
Many: From the earth and sky, from trees and animals,
            young and old, we’re here to praise God!
One:  God’s name is exalted, God’s glory is above heaven and earth.
Many:  For God spoke, commanding response, and all life was created.
One:  Today we praise God for the gift of Jesus, born in Bethlehem.
Many:  Today we give thanks to God for sending the Beloved One to
              live among us.
One:  Let’s pray as we sing!

(congregational song suggestion:  verse 4, #170 “How Great Our Joy”)

OR use this Opening Prayer 

Holy God, we do thank you for the most amazing gift:  Jesus, the Christ!
While the hustle and bustle of Christmas may be behind us, the promise of your Spirit raising us up to give thanks for Jesus fills us with JOY!
May our worship this day be a recognition of your remarkable presence not only for a day, but for EVERY day.  Hear our prayer, receive our thanks, and renew in us the joy of life abundant, AMEN

Moment for Stewardship 

Because we are just four days after Christmas, many of us may still be surrounded by things which came to us as gifts.  Not just the compulsory fruit cake, or the third pair of salad tongs, but the deeply-desired book, the promise of an up-coming concert, the calendar with pictures of different grand-children for each month.

And some of us might still be glowing with the knowledge that the gifts we gave are gifts which will be enjoyed, appreciated and used!

I wonder if God has these responses, week by week, as we share in an offering time? 
Today some of us have brought our gifts to present to God. 
Today some of us have shared from our financial resources to support the ministries of this congregation.
Today we practice, again, the exercise called “GIVING”, or “OFFERING”.

Can you imagine God’s response to what we’re offering?

Is it like you when you opened a box holding something you just knew would never be used at your home?
Or is it like when you unwrap a present and are filled with gratitude for the one who knows you well and brought a gift you’ll truly enjoy and appreciate?

Let’s share the gifts we’ve brought!
(consider using “What Child Is This?” CH #162 as your offertory, or as  congregational song during the offering)

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Consider using CH #157 as a prayer (prayed in unison, or in dialog form).


Generous God,
Thank you for the abundance with which you bless us.
Thank you for the generosity you inspire, and the ways you encourage us
  to share our resources with those who struggle.
Help us use these gifts to strengthen the witness of this congregation not only in the remaining days of 2024, but in the year to come, as well. AMEN

Invitation to Communion

Consider singing #168 “Down to Earth” as your communion hymn, with a repeat of verse 3, “Jesus Christ comes to feed hungry ones in their need;
                            in the house there is bread: 
                            Jesus in a stable, in the church a table.”

We’re in the midst of celebrating the birth of Jesus in a little town called Bethlehem.  Did you know the town’s name literally means “in the house there is bread”?

And here, we gather around a table where there is bread.

It’s the bread of life, as we remember Jesus sharing bread and cup with his followers in an upper room just before he was arrested. 

You are invited to share in this broken bread, which works to bind us together with Jesus and all who have followed him over the centuries. Come!  For the table is prepared, and there’s a place for you as we remember and give thanks for Jesus in a stable, Jesus in the upper room,
Jesus in the garden, on the cross, in the tomb, and raised to abundant life!