February 2, 2025

Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving

Epiphany 4C

Jeremiah 1:4-10

Psalm 71:1-6

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Luke 4:21-30

Call to Worship  (inspired by Psalm 71)

Leader: In the midst of the challenges of our lives
People:  we gather, turning to God, our refuge!
Leader:  We ask God to rescue us from unjust and cruel situations.
People:  We trust in the goodness of the Holy, knowing our Creator yearns for all to be safe (or “saved”).
Leader:  Together we raise our voices to worship God, who holds each one like a loving mother.
People:  Praise God! 

Opening Prayer 

We turn to you, Rock of our lives, trusting your steadfast love and care. 
Thank you for the many ways you assure us of your presence.
Thank you for the many times we’ve been able to lean on you.
Thank you now for this time for us to lift our voices in praise,
deepen our thoughts to gain new understanding,
and widen our awareness of the Body of Christ to which you call us.  AMEN

Moment for Stewardship (in response to Luke 4:14-21)

In Luke 4 Jesus returns to his home synagogue, is invited to read and then reflect on the scripture text. The listeners hear his sharp words declaring Jesus doesn’t expect to provide special action for his “homies.” For us, that points the way to recognizing Jesus’ message and actions aren’t limited to the people connected to that one community of faith.

We live out that truth, knowing the gifts you bring Sunday by Sunday as our offering, include financial support for this congregation, but also go beyond these walls. (Name one or two ways the offering becomes a blessing for others. (Through your food pantry?  Your support of a mission outreach?  Your connection to caring for those impacted by fire, hurricane, power outages?  Your engagement with warming spaces for people living on the streets?)

We worship a loving God who is served in a variety of places and supported through use of the dollars we freely provide.

Let us receive our morning offering.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Giving God,

We recognize the reality of Jesus’ work in our lives today when we lovingly share our offering.

Thank you for the week-by-week awareness that your love isn’t limited to this congregation, this community, or this country.  Please help us utilize these gifts to continually expand our horizons, reaching out to share bread, clean water, safety and love not only here but to the ends of the earth.  AMEN

Invitation to Communion

The gifts we have before us each time we come to the Lord’s Table include this congregation (both here and online), musicians, clergy, and the simple, basic elements placed here.  They may be presented in chalice and paten or in special trays and plates, but they are simply bread and grape juice.  However, they carry significant meaning: bread which points us to the body of Jesus, and juice which reminds us of his blood.

The call before us is this: “Remember!”

We’re invited to put the elements into the bigger picture, re-membering the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
This comes from the one who spoke clearly in the synagogue, and later in the upper room, nearly 2000 years ago.
His words echo down the millennia: “This do in remembrance of me”. 

Paul reminded the church in Corinth “for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes again.”

All is ready; come!