Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Epiphany +5
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11
Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 138)
One: We stand to give thanks to the Lord our God! Why?
Many: Because God’s steadfast love endures forever.
One: The glory of the Lord is GREAT!
Many: Even when we walk in the midst of trouble, the Lord preserves us.
One: God’s steadfast love endures forever!
Many: Let’s give whole-hearted thanks to the Lord our God!
Opening Prayer
Ever loving God, we lift our voices and our hearts to give you thanks.
Hear us as we call out all you provide for us: air, water, food, the ability to rise up and come together to offer you praise and honor!
Accept our worship in this hour. Fill us with true gratitude from the rising of the sun to the sunrise tomorrow, not only on this Sunday, but thru’ all the week ahead.
Lead us through the good times and the challenging times, renewing for each of us a sure confidence that we will not walk alone. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship
(consider using CH #342, Tu Has Venido a la Orilla in Spanish and/or English as an offertory. Perhaps a soloist? Your choir? Or the congregation, singing in Spanish and/or English)
Appearing in Matthew and Mark as well as in Luke, the story of Jesus appearing in Peter’s life may well be known to many of us. Peter had caught no fish despite being out all night. Jesus appeared, asked to use Peter’s boat as his speaking platform, and then encouraged Peter to throw out his nets one more time.
Peter’s response was to acknowledge he was a sinful man. Then Jesus pointed the way to a whole new life, and the fishermen brought their boats to the shore and left everything they knew in order to follow Jesus.
Most of us have not given up our entire life’s work in order to follow Jesus. Have you?
In my own life, ________________ (offer one short story of what you’ve given – or given up – in order to be a follower of Jesus).
And I remember _____________ (offer a short description of someone you’ve known who made a life change in order to follow Jesus).
Today, I invite you to call to mind your own decision to follow Jesus as you share in our morning offering.
Does your giving reflect your identity as a disciple/Disciple?
How might this story from Luke inspire you to be more intentional about what you give as a Jesus-follower?
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of all good gifts,
Thank you for the ways you provide for each and for all your beloved daughters and sons. We rejoice in our capacity to join you in helping provide for sisters and brothers and siblings who are in need.
Please accept these gifts. Help us put them to full use.
Inspire us to dig deep into our resources to continue building up your Realm on earth, so every person will experience the abundant life you intend for each and for all. AMEN
Invitation to Communion
On this Sunday just before Valentine’s Day we come to this Table, aware of God’s love demonstrated not with candy hearts, but through these symbols of bread and cup. God’s love sometimes is pictured in the valentine designed around the familiar scripture of John 3:16 (show this on the screen in your sanctuary, or have it pictured in the bulletin, if possible).

Because we, like Peter, James and John, have come to believe in Jesus as the Christ, so we come to be filled, renewed and challenged with these simple gifts at this table of remembrance and love.
All is prepared, and you are welcome here!