Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Epiphany C2
Psalm 36:5-10
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
John 2:1-11
Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 36)
Leader: The steadfast love of God (“hesed”) rises up to the heavens!
People: God’s faithfulness is abundant, like the clouds on a rainy day!
Leader: We all can find refuge, like chicks beneath the wings of their mother.
People: Our God is a fountain of life, and the light which enlightens the world.
Leader: Rejoice! God’s steadfast love (“hesed”) rises up for all creation!
People: So we lift our voices to praise our Maker!
Opening Prayer
Holy God, you bless us with each new day.
You wrap each of us, and all of us, in the love you so generously pour out on all your creation.
Thank you for bringing us to this moment.
Thank you for the opportunity we have to lift our voices in song and prayer.
Thank you for nurturing us by your care,
and for calling us to care for those who struggle.
Help us respond to the needs around us, sharing the light of your Life each day.
Accept our worship of praise and promise,
then send us out filled with your love, your “hesed”, to show that to the world. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (in response to I Corinthians 12:1-11)
In this season of Epiphany, we’re reminded of many ways God shows up in our world. God’s Spirit is the giver of gifts,
Paul reminds us. And there are MANY gifts! And, it’s all God’s doing!
We don’t often speak about our particular spiritual gifts…but today I invite us to consider what gifts we each have been given.
(If you want to name names and gifts, go for it!
Or, you might lift up remembered gifts shown by those no longer still alive but remembered by those present.
Or you might invite each person to turn to someone near them to share a 1 minute story of a spiritual gift
they particularly appreciate in someone within the congregation.)
Our congregation is blessed by these and so many other gifts, including the gifts each of you offer today.
Some are encouragers, some are teachers, some share wisdom.
We’re grateful for all, and now each one of you to share your gift of financial support for this congregation and our ministries.
Let the light of YOUR gifts shine today as we receive our morning offering.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Generous God, thank you for the many gifts you shower upon us.
Accept these gifts as one expression of our gratitude for all we’ve received.
Bind us together as one part of the Body of Christ, eager to share your Love with the world. AMEN
Invitation to Communion (recognizing our faith connection to Martin Luther King, Jr. ahead of MLK Day)
We believe Jesus Christ meets us at the table–not just this table, but at restaurant tables, fellowship hall tables, boardroom tables, and our own kitchen tables. Many Christians believe we can call upon Christ to transform our lives, our relationships, our world. Through our spiritual communion, we may experience real change.
After pouring out his heart to God one sleepless, stressful, fearful night, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. experienced that sort of change at his own kitchen table. In his sermon in August 1967, “Why Jesus Called a Man a Fool,” King described feeling Jesus speak words of encouragement: “Stand up for righteousness, stand up for justice, stand up for truth. And lo, I will be with you, even until the end of the world.” What Dr. King described as a quiet assurance came over him. Because of that moment, he found the courage to continue his mission.
Today, all are welcome to approach this table with our own honest prayers. Today we give thanks for the ways Christ shows up in our lives, at this table and at all our tables to bring divine change among us and within us. (Adapted from http://www.potluckchurch.com/potluck-church-blog/a-communion-meditation-on-martin-luther-king-jr-day)