August 23, 2015

For Sunday, August 23, 2015

Year B, Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost


Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost :: Green ::


1 Kings 8:22-30, 41-43 :: Psalm 84 :: Ephesians 6:10-20 :: John 6:56-69


Editor’s Note:  We are in the midst of about 25 weeks of texts which are less connected by one theme than to each other week to week.  The lectionary follows somewhat sequential readings in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Psalms which supplement them.  The New Testament Readings are also sequential week to week, but do not necessarily fit a theme.  Given this, I will be attempting to tie Call to Worship and Invocation to Hebrew Scriptures; Stewardship and Communion to Gospel and Epistle with little concern for overarching theme.


Call to Worship (Responsive)    

Adapted from Psalm 84

L: O LORD God of hosts, hear our prayer;

P: Give ear, O God of Jacob.

L: For a day in your courts

P: Is better than a thousand elsewhere.

L: I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God;

P: Than live in the tents of wickedness.

L: No good thing does the LORD withhold from those who walk uprightly.

P: And happy is everyone who trusts in you.



Here we are again, O God, standing before the gates of your holy temple, wanting you to hear our prayers.  We know that you are always with us, even though we often fail to be aware of your presence.  So we come.  Bless the fact that as we come together and raise our voices as one, you are pleased.  Bless the fact that we seek you, and let us know again your presence.  Hear our prayers and accept our praise almighty God.


Stewardship Moment:

The last chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is often referred to as “stewardship for the Christian Household”.  It contains valuable advice like: Children obey your parents; Parents do not provoke your children; and be strong in the Lord.  I think the essence of the message is to stand firm in Christ, and treat all with respect.  One of the ways we achieve all of these is through what we learn here in church.  Here is where we teach God’s lessons which give order to our lives.  Who taught you God’s lessons? Who taught them?  Who will teach the next generation?  Our tithes and offerings assure these lessons will continue to be learned. 


Offertory Prayer:

God of all majesty, parent to us all, we come in obedience to your teachings.  Teach us to give fully of ourselves.  Bless these tithes and offerings, and use them to further your will on earth, as it is in heaven. Amen.


Communion Meditation:

As Jesus taught the Disciples about the true meaning of communion: of the bread of heaven which brings life; many found the lesson hard and walked away.  When Jesus asks the twelve if they too will leave, Peter answers “to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”  As believers we find ourselves retracing Peter’s steps each Sunday.  Once Christ has entered our lives, to whom can we go?  So we continue to come.  We come to the table, and eat of the bread of life.


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