Worship Resources for
the Center for Faith and Giving
Easter VIB
Acts 10:44-48
Psalm 98
1 John 5:1-6
John 15:9-17
Call to Worship
Consider using Psalm 98 in the Chalice Hymnal Psalter (p. 750) for your call to worship with a soloist, the choir or the congregation singing this responsive line:
“Sing a new song to the Lord, who has done such marvelous things.”
One: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
Many: Break forth into joyous song!
One: Let’s sing praises to the Lord:
Many: and remember! God has done marvelous things.
One: God is doing marvelous things.
Many: We celebrate, for God comes as a winner, a victor.
All: Sing out, with joy!
Opening Prayer
We turn to you, God of all creation, grateful for Jesus’ teaching —
“love one another as I have loved you.” We know our love brings joy to you,
and allows our own joy to be complete. So renew our yearning to follow in the footsteps and life-style of Jesus. Help us today and every day to bear fruit for a lifetime, even as we abide in your love. AMEN
Moment for Stewardship (inspired by Acts 10:44-48)
In the book of Acts we hear stories of the beginning of the church, after
Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.
Peter was preaching and teaching, but needed to be persuaded that
Gentiles (non-Jews) could be welcomed into the fledgling church. That persuasion came when he witnessed the Holy Spirit being poured into people who were not Jewish.
Just as Peter could see the gift of God’s Spirit at work in the new believers, he was eager to baptize these people and welcome them into the congregation.
I wonder how others see the gift of God’s Spirit at work in us? I see the Spirit every time we share our time, our talent and our treasure. Your willingness to give of yourself and your resources is one way to declare you want to be part of Jesus’ community.
So, bring signs and symbols of your life to this time of offering. Let the Spirit work in and through you, and through the gifts you bring to build up the body of Christ in this place.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
All things come from you, O God,
so with joy-filled hearts, we return to you a portion
of what you’ve given each of us.
We offer you ourselves, along with these coins, checks and on-line gifts,
praying for you to pour out your Holy Spirit once more,
so we might be made one with Christ, one with each other,
and one in ministry to all the world,
through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Invitation to Communion
Gathering around this table, we find ourselves in a familiar position.
How often, when the toil of the day is over, do you settle down at your dinner table? For some, we’re ready to tell the story of our day, and eager to re-connect with our family. For others, we’re simply glad to be out of the rush of our day, happy to be in comfy clothes, happy in anticipating a quiet evening. And for others, we’re fueling up for a busy night ahead.
At its best, this table becomes the place where we each find our place, knowing we can share our joys and our sorrows as we’re welcomed home by One who is our coach, our motivator, our example, our Lord.
Today, however you’ve gotten to this place, let your joy ring out! Let the music ring in your soul. Lift your voices, drum on the pew, play the maracas…for bread is broken, Christ is spoken, and seen and heard:
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!
(use Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ, CH #422 for your communion hymn, accompanied by as many rhythm instruments, jangling keys,
drummed fingers on pews, claps, snaps or stomps as you can entice!)