Our Mission
What is Stewardship
Christian stewardship is grateful and responsible use of God’s gifts in the light of God’s purpose as revealed in Jesus Christ. Christian stewards, empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit themselves to conscious, purposeful decisions. Stewardship is lived out in:
- Living and telling the Good News
- Sharing God in seeking justice, peace, and the integrity of creation in an interdependent universe
- Wisely employing God-given human resources, abilities, and relationships
- Sharing the material resources we hold and giving them in service, justice, and compassion
- Providing for future generations
- Sharing in the life, worship, and responsible stewardship of the Church and of its mission
- Both for the individual and for the community, stewardship is a joyful act for the sake of God’s world.
The Director
The Board of Stewards of the Center for Faith and Giving announced in June 2024 the call of Rev. Melissa St. Clair as Minister for Faith and Giving and Executive Director of the Center.
Melissa comes with 16 years of congregational experience in Disciples congregations most recently serving as Senior Pastor of Heart of the Rockies Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Ft. Collins, CO. Melissa has also served on the Board of Stewards of the Center for Faith and Giving and as a leader for Bethany Fellows.
Melissa has led the congregations she has served in adopting wise stewardship practices, experiencing successful capital campaigns, and entering into innovative partnerships to serve not only the congregation but the community. She has a personal commitment to a life of generosity and is excited to welcome a diversity of voices to the table.
Melissa is excited to serve saying, “Generosity is foundational to our faith. The Center for Faith and Giving’s tools and tenets have imbued that spirit into the congregations I’ve served. I’m eager to build on the strengths of this ministry and shepherd it into a sustainable future.”
Rev. St. Clair began serving in this role on August 26, 2024. Rev. Bruce Barkhauer, the first “Minister for Faith and Giving for Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)” who was called in 2010, retired August 31, 2024.